43% in CA don't speak English at home

i was reading that there is a mass exodus of white color jobs and families out of CA heading east right now. Not to bright of a future for some sunny CA cities.
because their taxes are high,
but me as a Rastafarian has higher calling than increasing wealth. (not pun intended, and disclosure I'm already rich).
i was reading that there is a mass exodus of white color jobs and families out of CA heading east right now. Not to bright of a future for some sunny CA cities.

the appeal of the state is the nice weather, educated workforce and good universities. The negatives are the high cost of living, high taxes and unfriendly business environment. For the most part so far its been mostly back office and manufactoring jobs that have been shipped out of the state. But yes it would not be surprising if more white collar jobs or even corporate HQ's left. Of course living here I hope that's not the case but I can understand why.