46 days and we still don't know who killed Ashli Babbitt in the Jan 6 capitol riot

It'll all be revealed in court. The FBI is busy hunting down all the killers, terrorists and the militia leadership who planned to overthrow the US government.


Think of it this way:

We know who didn’t assault Officer Sicknick with a fire extinguisher [some fireman who wasn’t even there] but we don’t know who shot and killed the unarmed Trump supporter.

Funny, how that works.

Who the fuck cares?

Insurrectionist should die, who cares who killed the Q NUTS.
Who cares, the dumb, Q NUT, bitch was involved in an insurrection, she deserved it.

The only one lying is YOU, media reported Brian was struck by a fire extinguisher, not that his head was "bashed in".

There was no insurrection though there should have been. Congress certified an election they knew was stolen.

NYT said the cop brian sicknick was KILLED by the fire extinguisher. They lied.
I haven't been out of America except to visit Canada. I can guarantee I've seen and done more in America than you since you sound and act like you live in a facility. I've been in most states at least once.

Liar. You've never been in america even once. You're posting out of zimbabwe.
Floyd did say that when he was on the ground and chauvin had his knee in his back. But he also said it BEFORE he was put on the ground. He was suffering from a drug overdose and chauvin followed policy when dealing with a violent drug-crazed giant.

Chauvin did not do much wrong if anything. Of course facts don't matter anymore and he is probably gonna do decades of time.

Nobody gives a fuck about who and what you don’t like. Chauvin’s wife left his racist ass, he no longer has a job or income, and he’s facing a life in prison among lots of mean-spirited men who hate him.

Why not go visit him? He could use a bit of cheering up. :)
Breaking into the nation's capitol was a serious offense The cops could have shot them all.

In the first place they didn't break in. The cops let them in and some of the cops have been suspended for doing so.

In the second place the capitol building is called The People's House.

The worst they did was trespass and i'm not sure of that. But you want to kill them. Those BLM rioters last summer that were burning down businesses are the ones that should have been shot.
The police announced 3 weeks ago that the killer will not be charged but his name should still be released to the pubic as always happens when a cop kills a black person ( ashli was white). Ashli''s family certainly has a need to know since they may want to sue for wrongful death.

It looks more and more like the whole thing was a hoax and there never was an ashli babbitt.

Note - the story about officer Brian Sicknick who supposedly had his head bashed in by a trump supporter with a fire extinguisher ( according to the NYT) has been exposed as a total lie.

A hero cop.