49 days to go, any predictions?


Well-known member
From where we sit today, it looks like Harris is slightly favored to win.....

I say that based on the polling data that shows her chances in enough states to win 270 EV's, but the chances of her getting Pennsylvania are only slightly better than 50/50 so she is only SLIGHTLY favored to win.

Lots can chance in 49 days.
It's gonna be another nailbiter.

Trump will have a lead at midnight like he did last time - because they count rural areas first. Then, he'll lose the lead and we'll have to deal w/ a few months of "rigged" and "stolen."
That sounds about right.

we wont know for at least a few days.
No prediction for the election, but it's easy to predict this.

If Trump wins, the republic is history.
End of story.

If Harris wins,
it's still a longshot that we buy enough time to right the ship,
but at least we'll have a theoretical chance.
From where we sit today, it looks like Harris is slightly favored to win.....

I say that based on the polling data that shows her chances in enough states to win 270 EV's, but the chances of her getting Pennsylvania are only slightly better than 50/50 so she is only SLIGHTLY favored to win.

Lots can chance in 49 days.
How far ahead in the polls was the talking pig in a pant suit 49 days before the election in 2016? Was that before or after the "deplorables" comment?
It's gonna be another nailbiter.

Trump will have a lead at midnight like he did last time - because they count rural areas first. Then, he'll lose the lead and we'll have to deal w/ a few months of "rigged" and "stolen."
somehow before technology got so improved, we were able to count votes much more efficiently
How far ahead in the polls was the talking pig in a pant suit 49 days before the election in 2016? Was that before or after the "deplorables" comment?
The deplorables statement did not change the election, and as part of that speech, Clinton said there was 60 days until the election. So we are 11 days after when she made that statement.

What changed the election was the investigation at the last second of Clinton. She was cleared... AFTER THE ELECTION, when it was too late to matter.

You can only pull a trick like that once. Putin will have to figure out a new line of attack on Harris.
You can only pull a trick like that once. Putin will have to figure out a new line of attack on Harris.
Hmmm,....so you believe that Putin was controlling our FBI while Obama was the POTUS ? Wow! When exactly do you think Barry will be arrested for such a treasonous act do you think ?
From where we sit today, it looks like Harris is slightly favored to win.....

I say that based on the polling data that shows her chances in enough states to win 270 EV's, but the chances of her getting Pennsylvania are only slightly better than 50/50 so she is only SLIGHTLY favored to win.

Lots can chance in 49 days.
Number 45 becomes number 47.
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The deplorables statement did not change the election, and as part of that speech, Clinton said there was 60 days until the election. So we are 11 days after when she made that statement.

What changed the election was the investigation at the last second of Clinton. She was cleared... AFTER THE ELECTION, when it was too late to matter.

You can only pull a trick like that once. Putin will have to figure out a new line of attack on Harris.
Oh please ,Comey had to investigate investigate Hillary because the New York office was about to go public with the evidence they found on the Weener laptop. Comey did her a FAVOR by not indicating Hillary like Hur did for Joe Biden. If it had been Trump in either case the FBI would have indicted him.
Trump wins with over 300 EC votes. But here is another even better prediction............The VERY SAME people,... meaning media, politicians, and every day left wing voters who spent over four years telling us all like a broken record how it is impossible to cheat in our most secure open and totally honest elections will almost instantly look right into the camera and shamelessly scream........TRUMP CHEATED! The violence will begin shortly there after,....ALL coming from the left. The only thing different in this go around is that Left wing violence will be met with retaliatory right violence in return IMO. The people HAVE FINALLY HAD ENUFF and will stand their ground and defend themselves and property to the fullest extent of the law. Trump will assume office and the left will pay for their treasonous actions against the people. Lastly,.....a lot of the left wing people who continually threaten to leave the country if their candidate doesnt win,....ACTUALLY WILL LEAVE this time. Out of fear,....they KNOW what they are guilty of. Good riddance,....GTFO and dont come back if you are smart.
The deplorables statement did not change the election, and as part of that speech, Clinton said there was 60 days until the election. So we are 11 days after when she made that statement.

What changed the election was the investigation at the last second of Clinton. She was cleared... AFTER THE ELECTION, when it was too late to matter.

You can only pull a trick like that once. Putin will have to figure out a new line of attack on Harris.
Putin endorsed harris because he knows she an incompetent dei hire