49 days to go, any predictions?

It's gonna be another nailbiter.

Trump will have a lead at midnight like he did last time - because they count rural areas first. Then, he'll lose the lead and we'll have to deal w/ a few months of "rigged" and "stolen."
sounds like you have your fake news talking points in order.

being able to memorize propaganda isn't intelligence, by the way.
it never took a few months. what planet are you on?
Sure it did. That was the whole point of the election system in the Constitution was to take months to count the different levels of votes. Just getting the Electors to the state capitals was going to take a week or two, and transporting their ballots to DC would take a month or more.
Sure it did. That was the whole point of the election system in the Constitution was to take months to count the different levels of votes. Just getting the Electors to the state capitals was going to take a week or two, and transporting their ballots to DC would take a month or more.
they didn't transport ballots to DC.

they sent electors your fucking queef.

you're just very dumb.
From where we sit today, it looks like Harris is slightly favored to win.....

I say that based on the polling data that shows her chances in enough states to win 270 EV's, but the chances of her getting Pennsylvania are only slightly better than 50/50 so she is only SLIGHTLY favored to win.

Lots can chance in 49 days.
The polls seem to be shifting toward Harris and away from Team Crazy.

I predict Americans will be killed as Team Crazy ramps up the violent rhetoric.
Sure it did. That was the whole point of the election system in the Constitution was to take months to count the different levels of votes. Just getting the Electors to the state capitals was going to take a week or two, and transporting their ballots to DC would take a month or more.
holy fucking shit. you are talking horse and buggy days and before telephones could communicate properly

talking to you clowns is never short on comedy
Oh please ,Comey had to investigate investigate Hillary because the New York office was about to go public with the evidence they found on the Weener laptop. Comey did her a FAVOR by not indicating Hillary like Hur did for Joe Biden. If it had been Trump in either case the FBI would have indicted him.
I said Putin, not trump. Putin is a foreign leader, so no point in indicting him. trump is no where near that bright. trump is busy getting into a slap fight with Swift, one of the dumbest moves by a politician in a long while.
they didn't transport ballots to DC.
They have always transported the ballots to DC, and they still do. They seal the Electors ballots and send them to DC. The ballots are then opened on January 6th, and counted.

I suppose they could send the ballots in a day or less now, but back in the day, it would take almost a month.
holy fucking shit. you are talking horse and buggy days and before telephones could communicate properly
So you say before all this modern tech, things were faster, and now you admit that before all this modern tech, things were much slower.

But let's talk about after telephones, cars, planes, and whatever.

On November 2nd, 1948, Americans voted. From 2:00AM to noon on November 3rd, Chicago Daily Tribune had the headline "Dewey Defeats Truman." At noon, they finally joined the rest of the newspapers saying it was undecided. It took several days to know the results.

But that is nothing compared to 1960. There were serious legal cases over the results right up until December. There were less serious legal cases for four years after that. The last case was dismissed in November of 1964.
So you say before all this modern tech, things were faster, and now you admit that before all this modern tech, things were much slower.
You are a liar, I said, "somehow before technology got so improved, we were able to count votes much more efficiently"

And this is true.

You so desperately want to win a debate, you invented my debate to be about before we had phones or when newspapers had to make cutoff decisions at midnight

just a dishonest shit stain
It's gonna be another nailbiter.

Trump will have a lead at midnight like he did last time - because they count rural areas first. Then, he'll lose the lead and we'll have to deal w/ a few months of "rigged" and "stolen."
Some states are not allowed to check mail-in ballots until the election polls close. That means they have a huge number of votes to process at the last minute. That is why the lead changes. It is mostly big cities that have mail-ins piling up.
I think turnout will be down this time around. Trump has a loyal base and little appeal beyond it, Kamala wants to position herself as an exciting way forward, but I don't think it is working. She has Biden's baggage

the PA mail in ballot request shows this to be true as well:
