4th Benghazi witness effectively gagged by Obama gov.

Anybody want to talk about the truth of Libya .. democrat or republican?

I doubt it.

U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants, according to United States officials and foreign diplomats.

Colonized minds.

The issue is how the attack was handled.....soldiers told to stand down....no attempt to send air support...

Obama and Hilliary directly lied about that order to 'stand down'....said it didn't happen

Aircraft where in Italy.....the Naval Air Base at Signoella Italy routinely has KC-135 and KC-10 tankers flying from that base.....I just can't buy the bull that no tankers were available to refuel any US combat aircraft that are stationed in the area.....it just does not ring true and it it is true, some brass in the military should be reprimanded.

EVERYONE seemed to KNOW is was terrorist attack but Obama and Hillary in real time

Why insist for 2 weeks that the terrorist attack was just a unorganized riot over a silly youtube video

and why put roadblocks in the way of this 4th 'whistle blower' to keep her from testifying

This thing stinks from top to bottom and the incompetents are in an all out battle to cover their asses with the media as their mouthpieces.....except for FNC
The issue is how the attack was handled.....soldiers told to stand down....no attempt to send air support...

Obama and Hilliary directly lied about that order to 'stand down'....said it didn't happen

Aircraft where in Italy.....the Naval Air Base at Signoella Italy routinely has KC-135 and KC-10 tankers flying from that base.....I just can't buy the bull that no tankers were available to refuel any US combat aircraft that are stationed in the area.....it just does not ring true and it it is true, some brass in the military should be reprimanded.

EVERYONE seemed to KNOW is was terrorist attack but Obama and Hillary in real time

Why insist for 2 weeks that the terrorist attack was just a unorganized riot over a silly youtube video

and why put roadblocks in the way of this 4th 'whistle blower' to keep her from testifying

This thing stinks from top to bottom and the incompetents are in an all out battle to cover their asses with the media as their mouthpieces.....except for FNC

This goes far beyond how the issue was handled .. which is why republicans don't want to talk about truth either.

This is about American imperialism and the complete and total ignorance of the so-called 'war on terror.'

The US is using AL QUEDA.

What war on terror?
The truth is too big to hide!!
Impeachment is just around the corner!!

Benghazi is watergate by thousands!!

Trying to impeach Obama simply because of what happened in Benghazi is a pipe dream. It will never happen.

However, we were lied into war .. but that puts republicans in a rather awkward position of trying to impeach a president because he lied us into war.
Trying to impeach Obama simply because of what happened in Benghazi is a pipe dream. It will never happen.

However, we were lied into war .. but that puts republicans in a rather awkward position of trying to impeach a president because he lied us into war.

Congrats, BAC.

You have now crossed the road and entered full-fledged teabagger conspiracy theorist land. Be sure to wash the dirt off your hands.
This goes far beyond how the issue was handled .. which is why republicans don't want to talk about truth either.

This is about American imperialism and the complete and total ignorance of the so-called 'war on terror.'

The US is using AL QUEDA.

What war on terror?

You could be right BAC.....maybe it will go deeper B U T....right now the issue is the attack, the incompetent response, the lying and the cover-up

Your allegations, as of right now, are nothing but allegations and will need quite a bit more whistle blowing to get further.
Your claims go to the entire foreign policy in a wider sense.
Congrats, BAC.

You have now crossed the road and entered full-fledged teabagger conspiracy theorist land. Be sure to wash the dirt off your hands.

Funny clown....talking to you about anything is like debating relativity with 5 year old.....obviously BAC is not the 5 year old....now
wash the semen off your face.
Trying to impeach Obama simply because of what happened in Benghazi is a pipe dream. It will never happen.

However, we were lied into war .. but that puts republicans in a rather awkward position of trying to impeach a president because he lied us into war.

Impeaching Obama for murder and rape or anything else is a pipe dream....the cites would face rioting, looting, and race war until it stopped......
Congrats, BAC.

You have now crossed the road and entered full-fledged teabagger conspiracy theorist land. Be sure to wash the dirt off your hands.

That coming from a democrat is pure comedy.

You are much closer to being a 'teabagger' than I am brother .. and much further to the right. :0)

Here .. take this with you ..

Back in the spring of 2011, in an attempt to persuade nations growing increasingly skeptical about NATO-led attacks on Libya, especially India, Russia and China, Rice went before a closed door meeting of the United Nations Security Council and announced that Gaddafi's forces were issuing Viagra, the drug used to treat erectile dysfunction, to soldiers "so that they go out and rape" civilians in areas that support the rebels. "This story was taken so seriously that some people started writing to Pfizer to get it to stop selling Viagra to Libya, since its product was allegedly being used as a weapon of war."

Gaddafi 'supplies troops with Viagra to encourage mass rape', claims diplomat
US ambassador Susan Rice has also said, without offering evidence, that Iran was helping Syria to suppress dissent