5 Critical McCain Mistakes

Thank for making my point for me.

You're "point" was, I am a radical Republican extremist. Yet, here I am, so drenched in Republican koolaid, I am posting threads about the stupidity of the Republican candidate! The truth is, I am not a "Republican" at all, I am a Conservative. A Red-White-And-Blue, Constitutional-loving, Gun and Bible toting, hard core Conservative. I can be tolerantly moderate on some social issues, not to the "extreme" of Libertarians, but certainly not a Fascist extremist from the far left or right.

Even though I am not in agreement with McCain on many of his positions, I can appreciate the fact that he is at least able to communicate with 'the other side' and get things done. He is not a polarizing figure like Bush, who could never deliver 'unity' in his administration of government. Like it or not, McCain is at least able to get things accomplished in Washington, and in this age of partisan politics, that is saying something. Now, would he be able to do this as president? I don't know for certain, but I honestly think he stands a better chance of it than Obama.

The 'argument' of this election, seems to be this concept of 'hope and change' for the future. Ironically, it is the Democrats mantra, but it is the Democrats who will deliver the same polarized gridlock we've seen the past 8 years under Bush. Some people are content with gridlock in Washington, as long as they don't give up any ground to the other side. But if you really want to see things get done, and solutions found to the problems we face as Americans, there is only one choice with any hope of that.
You're "point" was, I am a radical Republican extremist. Yet, here I am, so drenched in Republican koolaid, I am posting threads about the stupidity of the Republican candidate! The truth is, I am not a "Republican" at all, I am a Conservative. A Red-White-And-Blue, Constitutional-loving, Gun and Bible toting, hard core Conservative. I can be tolerantly moderate on some social issues, not to the "extreme" of Libertarians, but certainly not a Fascist extremist from the far left or right.

Even though I am not in agreement with McCain on many of his positions, I can appreciate the fact that he is at least able to communicate with 'the other side' and get things done. He is not a polarizing figure like Bush, who could never deliver 'unity' in his administration of government. Like it or not, McCain is at least able to get things accomplished in Washington, and in this age of partisan politics, that is saying something. Now, would he be able to do this as president? I don't know for certain, but I honestly think he stands a better chance of it than Obama.

The 'argument' of this election, seems to be this concept of 'hope and change' for the future. Ironically, it is the Democrats mantra, but it is the Democrats who will deliver the same polarized gridlock we've seen the past 8 years under Bush. Some people are content with gridlock in Washington, as long as they don't give up any ground to the other side. But if you really want to see things get done, and solutions found to the problems we face as Americans, there is only one choice with any hope of that.

Been listening to Limbaugh again aint ya Dixie? Heard him bitching and moaning the same bullshit the other day.
No Mott, as I've said, I haven't listened to Rush since he came back from rehab. I am just looking at the political landscape, and I see two candidates, one who has made a career of pissing off his partisan base, time and time again (examples available upon request) and the other, a dyed-in-the-wool left-wing extremist, who represents the radical wing of his party, which has essentially ostracized the 'moderates' in their ranks. I am looking at which one will actually be able to effectively govern in the years ahead, and I think the one who is able to 'reach across the aisle' and find common ground, stands a much better chance of getting things done, than the one who is tied to left-wing ideology. It's really just a matter of pragmatic common sense, but of course, you have none of that, so you don't understand.
You can turn avatars off in your User CP if the Confederate flag bothers you. Sorry I can't do anything about black people residing in your white European country, too bad you and Lincoln couldn't get your way. I guess you just have to live with us 'ethnic' types. I think we're here to stay. I also apologize for messing up your plans to cajole ethnic groups into segregated burros, where you wouldn't have to live next to them. I guess it must be hard for a hateful bigot such as yourself, to learn to live with different kinds of people. I actually like it... no, I prefer it... I would hate to live in a country with only my kind of people and culture, I have learned so much about others of different races and cultures, and I find it fascinating, but then, I am not a bigoted hater like you.

Yeah, basically you have it all right :rolleyes:. The truth isn't that we are not racist up here, but merely that compared to you, we are not racists. Also, I don't want America to become European, because Europe is a shithole and sucks majorly. When John Q. Adams said as Secretary of State that immigrants should "shed their European roots," he was onto something. My ancestors, as his ancestors, got fed up with Europe and got the hell out.

You would know better than me about having to learn to live with minorities. The 13th-15th Amendments, as well as the Civil Rights Acts of 1868, 1875, 1957, 1960, and 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, etc. were all written with Southerners in mind.