One example;
Laredo, TX Cops Fire 60 Shots at Armed Perp, Fist-Bump After Homicide
"Investigator Joe Baeza, the Laredo, Texas, police spokesman told the NY Daily News.” Sounds like a good shoot. Except for the large number of bullets sent in Mr. Garza’s direction – unleashed by six officers in six seconds"
(Yes, I know this is an old link, but 60 rounds form 6 officers is 10 rounds average per cop.)
"To demonstrate how quickly shots are fired in use-of-force situations, Huber showed reporters a video of three agents who were instructed to fire their handguns at a target at a fast pace. During the 4-second video, he said, a total 37 rounds were fired. Huber said in a use-of-force situation,
several shots are fired to cause enough damage to stop the person, and also because many of the gunshots generally miss the target.
"...because many of the gunshots generally miss the target."
Hmmm...flying lead that misses the intended target is extremely dangerous to the general public.
Now, from another perspective;
“Even law enforcement officers have a 39 percent probability to hit a target in a high-stress situation,” he continued. “This, combined with the fact that each hit with a handgun or intermediate cartridge has only an approximate 22 percent chance to stop the target, explains the need for larger magazines. From this, we can extrapolate that a novice law enforcement officer (likely more experienced than the average American) would need about 12 shots to reliably stop a single attacker.”
I reached out to Matt to get his sources for those percentages. Numbers were plucked from a 2015 study by the International Journal of Police Science & Management, which found hit probability for novice shooters, intermediate shooters and expert shooters at typical engagement distances (3 to 75ft). Per the study:
Novice Shooter: 39 percent hit probability
Intermediate Shooter: 48 percent hit probability
Expert Shooter: 49 percent hit probability
(One-in-six gun owners have used a gun to defend themselves, according to Pew Research. Defending oneself with a firearm is way more common than the mainstream media lets on. But that’s a conversation for a different day.)
Looks to me like lots of people (and cops) need more time at the range...