50% chance that its too late to save the polar ice caps

Here is a newsflash for pinheads: The Earth has always undergone cyclical changes in climate. Many places, there is ocean where there once was land, and land, where there once was ocean. The current global warming coincides precisely with the pattern of solar activity on the Sun. Go look at the charts and you will see, when the Sun has generated more solar energy, the Earth has always warmed, and when the Sun has generated less solar energy, the Earth always cools. In the past 100 years, the median global atmospheric temps have risen a whopping one degree, and this directly parallels the increase in solar activity, as well as historic trends of previous changes.

Now, perhaps it's like someone with an infection rubbing dirt on it, and we need to really pay attention to what we are dumping into our atmosphere daily? ..............We will be dead long before enough ice melts to raise the ocean even a foot or two!

:blah: :blah: :bs:

When it comes to discussions on science, who ya gonna believe?

1) Dixie, a dude who believes in creation "science", who denies evolution, and who lets the bible inform him that the earth is 10,000 years old?


2) The overwhelming majority of the planets top climate scientists, the U.S. National Academcy of Science, the UN IPCC, all of the world's top scientific bodies, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Adminstration, the USEPA, and even the Bush adminstration themselves?
1) Dixie, a dude who believes in creation "science", who denies evolution, and who lets the bible inform him that the earth is 10,000 years old?

I don't know where you get your information, but you couldn't be any further from the truth with this. I have never said any such thing, or indicated that I believe any such way. I do believe in inteligent design, as did Einstein, and many others, and I don't believe it has a thing to do with the evolution theories which deal with speciation, and not origin. Theories I also believe are true. The Bible has not yet informed me the Earth is 10,000 years old, or 500 billion years old, but I will ask The Bible again tonight, if you'd like.

As for the sources you cite, I have already said that they make valid points about what mankind can do to clean up the environment, and I am in support of that, for the general principle of the matter, not because I am running around like a silly liberal version of chicken little, screaming... the ice is melting! the ice is melting! I've already admitted, they do indeed say the earth is getting warmer, I have not denied that. No one that I am aware of, has ever stated matter of factly, that global warming is the result of man's actions alone. Not one!

Use your pea-sized brain to think for minute... the world is billions of years old, and has been through numerous warming and cooling cycles, we have the scientific evidence of this all around us, in geology, in anthropology, in paleontology, in botanical sciences, in meteorology, in biology, in every single aspect of science we have studied, this is the case. Now, since these warming and cooling cycles began long before man ever existed on this planet, let alone all the technologies he brought forth, how do you suppose man had any damn thing to do with the cycles of change Earth has experienced before man's time? And how does man have anything to do with those same cycles now? He simply doesn't!

If we could somehow harness the cumulative effects of everything man does to the atmosphere of the planet in a given 5-year period, it would be equivalent to 1/10,000th the amount of environmental damage caused by just one volcanic eruption... and the Earth has experienced thousands of these over the years. Do we somehow contribute to global warming? Perhaps, but it is negligible compared to natural phenomenon occurring on the planet. There is very little we can do about the cyclical changes of the planet, but don't let that stop you from freaking out and having a coniption fit about it!
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