50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations right before 2014 Elections


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This looks bad for the Democrats in 2014, what else is new, it looks like deep doo doo for Libs.........
...."A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall -- right before the mid-term elections.

The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. While the administration has tried to downplay the cancellation notices hitting policyholders on the individual market by noting they represent a relatively small fraction of the population, the swath of people who will be affected by the shakeup in employer-sponsored coverage will be much broader".........
not going to happen....Obama will pressure the insurance companies to wait to send out the notices till November 15.......
Why would insurance companies want to help the Demos win elections, when they are basically against their "business Right" to make money. Radical Lib Demos will "allow" you to make a small profit to stay in business, otherwise they want to tax you to spread the wealth around, aka Socialism.

I remember my Lib close relative wondering why we need to spend all that tax money to build aircraft carriers, when we could be re-building roads or planting trees, etc.

Libs like high gas prices, like in Califa(California) where they raised the State income tax and will raise the gasoline tax soon.

The illegal alien votes are a big part of elections in Califa now, look at San Diego politics.
??....why?....who benefits the most from Obamacare?.....

So far, maybe it's Baxter.


Shane Smith's insurance policy was cancelled because of the new Obamacare rules, so he went to the Colorado health exchange to find a new plan.

He set up the plan over the phone and somehow his dog's name was entered instead of his own.

"There's been a lot of headaches that's come from all of this, all the phone calls, all the nonsense," said Smith. "They ended up giving me good coverage, I think, but who knows if they're going to take it away. As long as Baxter's covered, that's all the counts."

Smith says he used his dog's name for a security question and that may have led to the confusion. He called back and had it fixed...he thinks.

or reduce how much profit they can make....

Like his fellow Socialist is doing?


Forcing stores to sell their merchandise for a price that the owners say will put them out of business may sound like a bad idea, but President Nicola Maduro is not angling to improve the economy, Venezuelans say.

"This is going to help him and his party,'' says Alfredo Ramos , a political science professor at the University of the Andes in Merida.

Thousands of people have lined up in front of electronics stores and hardware stores that have been ordered by Maduro to empty their inventories at cut-rate prices.

Maria Davila felt like a winner after emerging from the Traki department store with clothes for herself and her husband, as well as toys for their four children.

Davila spent 14 hours in line to make her purchases after the store reduced prices by up to 70% on merchandise to comply with Maduro's crusade against the country's "parasitical bourgeoisie."

"It was well worth the wait," Davila, 42, says of her ordeal. "I saved so much money. I feel like I won the lottery."

Taking a page out of the late Hugo Chavez's populist playbook, Maduro is attacking the country's producers and businesses to boost his United Socialist Party of Venezuela for local elections Dec. 8.

His orders may be followed by more.

On Tuesday night, Venezuelan lawmakers gave Maduro the power to enact law without legislative approval.

Maduro said he will use the authority to create a new state body to oversee Venezuela's currency controls that have led to widespread inflation and shortage of basic goods.

He also said he will order that corporations slash their profit margins by up to 30%.

His party is hoping the moves will revive its chances in the upcoming elections for about 370 mayors and city council members.

The opposition has cast the vote as a referendum on Maduro and his policies, which have thus far been unable to prevent record inflation and a shortage in goods like food, cooking oil and even toilet paper.

Before Maduro's seizure of the Daka electronics chain 10 days ago and selling its inventory at a deep discount, the opposition had been poised to do well, capitalizing on the country's soaring inflation and widespread food shortages.

A survey by polling firm Datanalisis for Sept. 23-Oct. 2 showed that 54% of those polled rated Maduro's job performance as negative, compared with 41% who rated his job performance as positive.

or reduce how much profit they can make....

How much has their profit been reduced. The cost of medical treatment rose this year by the lowest amount in 50 years. I thought you Republicans were all about keeping inflation under control. Or have you decided that inflation, especially in health care costs is now a good thing?
Why would insurance companies want to help the Demos win elections, when they are basically against their "business Right" to make money. Radical Lib Demos will "allow" you to make a small profit to stay in business, otherwise they want to tax you to spread the wealth around, aka Socialism.

I remember my Lib close relative wondering why we need to spend all that tax money to build aircraft carriers, when we could be re-building roads or planting trees, etc.

Libs like high gas prices, like in Califa(California) where they raised the State income tax and will raise the gasoline tax soon.

The illegal alien votes are a big part of elections in Califa now, look at San Diego politics.

Forcing everybody to buy their products is against their business?
I just waived active duty GI Bill benefits. :D

Since I already used my guard GI Bill benefits, I don't really need it, and it would cost me $100/month for the next 1.5 years in order to qualify for it, and I don't really want to pay-in for it.
Why would insurance companies want to help the Demos win elections, when they are basically against their "business Right" to make money. Radical Lib Demos will "allow" you to make a small profit to stay in business, otherwise they want to tax you to spread the wealth around, aka Socialism.

I remember my Lib close relative wondering why we need to spend all that tax money to build aircraft carriers, when we could be re-building roads or planting trees, etc.

Libs like high gas prices, like in Califa(California) where they raised the State income tax and will raise the gasoline tax soon.

The illegal alien votes are a big part of elections in Califa now, look at San Diego politics.

where did you get this LIE?

PROVE this claim you lying sack of weasel vomit