5000 Judges?

No Mr. Trump. That's yet another lie.

There are about 350 immigration judges( who are currently overwhelmed with cases). ANother 350 would alleviate that problem.

Of course Trump WANTS the problem. He wants immigrants kept in jails so he lies about how many judges we have and how many are needed.

Lying has worked for Trump

No Mr. Trump. That's yet another lie.

There are about 350 immigration judges( who are currently overwhelmed with cases). ANother 350 would alleviate that problem.

Of course Trump WANTS the problem. He wants immigrants kept in jails so he lies about how many judges we have and how many are needed.
How about they just stay in their own country?

I say we adopt Mexico’s immigration policy

Calderon signed a new law in 2011 that greatly increased the rights of immigrants, legal and illegal, in Mexico. While prior to that they seemed extremely hypocritical, nowadays not so much.