54% of Americans Favor Impeaching Dick Cheney

"No, we want your GOP 2008 presidential and congressional candidates to have to defend bush and cheney, and to defend their blind support for them for the last 7 years "

Then WHY do you continue posting these polls?
"And another 30% want him waterboarded?"

That would be wonderful, a person could sell expensive tickets to that event.
"No, we want your GOP 2008 presidential and congressional candidates to have to defend bush and cheney, and to defend their blind support for them for the last 7 years "

Then WHY do you continue posting these polls?

Because you need to be reminded that the man you voted for twice - over clearly superior choices - is one of the worst and most hated presidents in modern history ;)
"No, we want your GOP 2008 presidential and congressional candidates to have to defend bush and cheney, and to defend their blind support for them for the last 7 years "

Then WHY do you continue posting these polls?

could it be that some do not want the bush enablers to forget how stupid they were ?
Ideally, I would like to see Cheney sent to the front lines. THAT would be some justice, at least.

I'm not letting Bush off the hook, but I hold Cheney much more accountable for everything that has happened. Bush is just kind of a weak rube, and the perfect patsy for Cheney & the neocon plans. He's really just someone who never should have been President. I see Cheney as the real evil mastermind behind everything.

People always say Cheney is Darth Vader, but my son correctly pointed out that he's really the Chancellor, and Bush is more akin to Darth. For any fellow adult geeks who are familiar with all 6 installments of Star Wars, you'll know what I mean...
"Because you need to be reminded that the man you voted for twice - over clearly superior choices - is one of the worst and most hated presidents in modern history "

At the time, NEITHER Boar nore munster were clearly superior choices. Even now, with the cluster fux Bush has created with Iraq, neither are clearly superior choices. I understand that the country is polarized and the Dems, so long out of power are relishing their recent return to the majority. I understand the need for many Dems to "hate" Bush... because he "stole" an election blah blah blah....

I also understand that by posting these polls and then saying your Dems will do nothing but use it as a political tool tells us all loud and clear.....

The Dems care nothing about what the American people want.... they just want to get re-elected. For if they followed the will of the American people... they would proceed with impeachment. But your beloved dems aren't doing that. They are more hated than Bush. (since we are obviously using favorability polls as determinants of hatred).

Bush approval... 30%
Congress.... 24.8%
"People always say Cheney is Darth Vader, but my son correctly pointed out that he's really the Chancellor, and Bush is more akin to Darth. For any fellow adult geeks who are familiar with all 6 installments of Star Wars, you'll know what I mean..."

So you are saying that since Bush is Darth that in the end Bush will be redeemed?

"Because you need to be reminded that the man you voted for twice - over clearly superior choices - is one of the worst and most hated presidents in modern history "

At the time, NEITHER Boar nore munster were clearly superior choices. Even now, with the cluster fux Bush has created with Iraq, neither are clearly superior choices. I understand that the country is polarized and the Dems, so long out of power are relishing their recent return to the majority. I understand the need for many Dems to "hate" Bush... because he "stole" an election blah blah blah....

I also understand that by posting these polls and then saying your Dems will do nothing but use it as a political tool tells us all loud and clear.....

The Dems care nothing about what the American people want.... they just want to get re-elected. For if they followed the will of the American people... they would proceed with impeachment. But your beloved dems aren't doing that. They are more hated than Bush. (since we are obviously using favorability polls as determinants of hatred).

Bush approval... 30%
Congress.... 24.8%

right. Its the republicans in congress that are reviled, and drag congressional ratings down into bush territory. The dems in congress aren't beloved, but their ratings are higher than bush, and than their republican colleagues in the house.

Check out the party-split, in the congress polls.

could it be that some do not want the bush enablers to forget how stupid they were ?

The Bush "enablers" as you like to put it... are found in your Dem led Congress. They folded quite quickly and complied with the funding...

They don't have the backbone to do anything. Except sit back for another 18 months and bitch about how bad Bush is.
"right. Its the republicans in congress that are reviled, and drag congressional ratings down into bush territory. The dems in congress aren't beloved, but their ratings are higher than bush, and than their republican colleagues in the house.

Check out the party-split, in the congress polls.


What a load of crap... 36% to 30%... yeah those Reps are much more reviled. (oopps... have to edit this because the most recent is the fox poll.... and that is automatically invalid since it is fox. So lets go to the next most recent from Pew.... which has 36% for Reps in Congress and 34% for Dems)

The poll below from your site is quite telling....


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"People always say Cheney is Darth Vader, but my son correctly pointed out that he's really the Chancellor, and Bush is more akin to Darth. For any fellow adult geeks who are familiar with all 6 installments of Star Wars, you'll know what I mean..."

So you are saying that since Bush is Darth that in the end Bush will be redeemed?


You have to realize the error of your ways & turn against your corrupt master to achieve such redemption.

I don't hold out as much hope for Bush as I did for Darth...
So lets go to the next most recent from Pew.... which has 36% for Reps in Congress and 34% for Dems)

Ummmm, you made a mistake here.

The 34% number is from the Pew Poll. The 36% number is from the ABC poll. You're mixing apples and oranges.

So lets do the comparison from the same polls, which use the same methodology:

Dems 36%
GOP 30%

next most recent

Dems 44%
GOP 36%

Pew didn't have one for the GOP, so we can't use that as a comparative tool.

And 10% think a quick death is too good for him!

Hey I am no fan of Dick...albeit I am a conservative...but I do not wish a death on him nor his family...anymore than I would wish it on you...even though you are a ***** from time to time...enough said!