54% of Americans Favor Impeaching Dick Cheney

Hey I am no fan of Dick...albeit I am a conservative...but I do not wish a death on him nor his family...anymore than I would wish it on you...even though you are a ***** from time to time...enough said!

If only you could realize that, in your case, enough has been said before you open your mouth at all.
Okee Dokee then....

If only you could realize that, in your case, enough has been said before you open your mouth at all.

Princess Leah...back to the caverns with 'Dark Vader' with me..must be a disconnect with the electronic voice thingee..my bad Princess!...
my bad on the polls, did not notice that. But the point remains, there is not much of a difference between the two. Both are down to the point that it is there die hard base that is supporting them and the majority of the country thinks both are not doing well.


Well, yes, the congressional dems are only pollin 6 to 8% higher than GOP congress persons. Would I like it to be 14 to 18% higher? Yes.

But, lets face it: Congress ALWAYS historically gets low ratings. I doubt that they rarely break anywhere close to 50%.

In contrast, Bush is nearly in historic territory. He's below carter, he's near nixon territory, and I don't thing any modern american president has had such low approval ratings, for so long. In addition, nearly half the american people want him impeached.

So, to take Bush's historically disasterous ratings, and then point to a fairly average and benign rating for congress, and proclaim: "See! The Dems are just as bad!", is a very bad reading of history and polls.
When people think of Congress, they think of the current leadership of Congress. Yes, you have found polls that break down Dems in Congress vs. Reps. Yeah for you. But also keep in mind the poll (from your site) that said...

"Do you think the current Congress has accomplished more or less than Congress usually does during its first six months?"

16% said more, 59% said less. that is not good for your Dem led Congress. Which is why Congress is getting a 24.8% favorable rating right now.
"Because you need to be reminded that the man you voted for twice - over clearly superior choices - is one of the worst and most hated presidents in modern history "

At the time, NEITHER Boar nore munster were clearly superior choices. Even now, with the cluster fux Bush has created with Iraq, neither are clearly superior choices. I understand that the country is polarized and the Dems, so long out of power are relishing their recent return to the majority. I understand the need for many Dems to "hate" Bush... because he "stole" an election blah blah blah....

I also understand that by posting these polls and then saying your Dems will do nothing but use it as a political tool tells us all loud and clear.....

The Dems care nothing about what the American people want.... they just want to get re-elected. For if they followed the will of the American people... they would proceed with impeachment. But your beloved dems aren't doing that. They are more hated than Bush. (since we are obviously using favorability polls as determinants of hatred).

Bush approval... 30%
Congress.... 24.8%

and what percentage of congress is republicans ?