54% Say Passing No Healthcare Reform Better Than Passing Congressional Plan

true, it just means they are against the plan YOU have been pushing....

Do they really know what the plan is, or do they oppose it because they have health care insurance and they aren't worried about the people who don't?

This is what I am seeing, the fight between the haves and have nots!

When it comes to foolishness like the death panels, well, those people are just angry about everything that isn't right and white!
This is no surprise, since so many now think they'll be subjected to death panels who will sentence them to hard labor.

Be proud, meme. Lies work. Fear works.

Only on the truly ignorant. The rest of us have learned to educate ourselves, right or left.
because nobody can "give" anybody anything unless they also "take"....you can also ask "why don't we give America the Cadillacs they enjoy".....(oops, did that with Cash for Clunkers)....

I didn't know that the Senate got Cadis from us! Now I want one, too!
we are not against a reasonable reform of some sort, just not this fake crisis hostile take over of our health care by the Progressives in office right now...

must make you sad, eh

What is sad is, what is your plan? It doesn't seem that your party has one...they just want it to go away for their buddies the pharma and the insura!

Follow the money, honey!
We understand that. It does show that starting over is very much something the legislators should move on. When most Americans believe that what is proposed and was being pushed for a vote by the end of July is worse than doing absolutely nothing you are doing something wrong. The majority of these people voted for Obama, yet they believe that it is worse to do what he pushed for passing there's something stronger going on.

And yet, they don't know what that something should be, because they listen to the likes of Rush who supports the pharma in more ways than one! Via Viagra! I bet he gets his lifetime supply now for free!
no, we will follow our freedoms, you all follow your party off the fascist cliff..honey

huh? what freedoms are being abused? and such debating skills, the likes I have never seen...and taking your quotes from Glenn Beck these days. Fascist, just like you use to call us anti-American when you were lock stepping to Bush, you make you laugh, tea bagger! Do you know the slang for a tea bagger! I just crack up every time these people proclaim this so proudly!

Nuts to you!
The freedom to stand by while 47 million Americans go without health care is being abused.

Only the GOP can save America!
The legislation on the table would make Medicaid available to more people and would cover others by helping them buy their own insurance, with subsidies based on income.

The venue for people to buy insurance would be an "exchange," a marketplace that would replace the uncompetitive and lightly regulated landscape that now confronts individuals and small businesses trying to buy coverage.

Insurers on the exchange would have to meet basic standards and would no longer be allowed to deny coverage or price it exorbitantly because of preexisting conditions; they'd still be able to set rates based on age, but not to the degree they do now.

Insurers would comply because they would want the customers coming to the exchange, notably the younger and healthier uninsured.

This is one reason all the proposals would mandate that people buy insurance, or pay a fine. This would draw younger people, who spend relatively little on health care, into the exchange, lowering the price of coverage for everyone.

Extending coverage to the uninsured would cost a lot, around $1 trillion over 10 years. But the country spends more than twice that much on health care in a single year, and the Medicare drug benefit passed in 2003 was expected to cost more than half as much.

President Obama proposes paying for most of the effort by squeezing costs out of Medicare and Medicaid, including the subsidies that go to private Medicare Advantage plans and Medicaid funds that hospitals get to treat the uninsured. He would pay for the rest by shrinking the itemized deductions of wealthy taxpayers.
Do they really know what the plan is, or do they oppose it because they have health care insurance and they aren't worried about the people who don't?

This is what I am seeing, the fight between the haves and have nots!

When it comes to foolishness like the death panels, well, those people are just angry about everything that isn't right and white!
If your only concern is finding a way to cover those who are involuntarily without insurance, why are you supporting a plan that intentionally screws with the part of the system that is already covering over 250 million Americans? THAT is where the majority of opposition comes from. Not the trumped up charges of people being afraid of a death panel, etc. but the fact that the plan under consideration totally messes with the part of the system many millions of people are quite satisfied with.

And MY personal objection to the plan under consideration is it is the typical political bandaid non-solution to the problem. It won't fix a damned thing. At best will only shove the problem onto future generations who will then not only have the original problem to deal with, but also all the problems that will result from bloated government bureaucracies this bill will create.
Which plan would that be?

No bill currently exists.
ummm, there IS a bill, genius. It's in committee. It's the one that's so big no-one has the time to read it, let alone understand everything it contains. They made a big todo about getting on the floor before the August recess, remember?
Do they really know what the plan is, or do they oppose it because they have health care insurance and they aren't worried about the people who don't?

This is what I am seeing, the fight between the haves and have nots!

When it comes to foolishness like the death panels, well, those people are just angry about everything that isn't right and white!

I oppose it because I have read it....