Verified User
fuck you troll
Not enough to convict.
In terms of American history, 57 to 43 has to be a record majority in favor of conviction.
7 Republicans guilty
The GOP is now the party of the Little People, the victims of the failed elite class.
It's a damn shame, this piece of human waste walks again?!! There was no accountability for the Trump inspired insurrection?!!
Actually, it’s 43 Republicans guilty. Guilty of violating their Constitutional oath.
And never proved to be guilty
fuck you troll
Did you REALLY think this was going to end any other way? Do you really believe a rigged election changes anything? Do you really believe the movement is going anywhere? Do you really believe the movement will do anything other than grow and gain power now that full blown retards are in power? These clowns being in power doesnt hurt the movement,....IT HELPS IT.
Not enough to convict.
fastest not guilty in history
Not much of an accomplishment when you have a rigged jury.
You mean like the last election? This senate trial was the cleanest, most transparent, and fair trial in history.![]()