57 % Americans support Military Action...

seven in 10 Americans favor international economic sanctions aimed at dissuading Iran from enriching uranium that might be used in nuclear weapons, while fewer -- four in 10 -- advocate more direct action, U.S. bombing of Iran's nuclear sites.
MY MY...cippie can read!

seven in 10 Americans favor international economic sanctions aimed at dissuading Iran from enriching uranium that might be used in nuclear weapons, while fewer -- four in 10 -- advocate more direct action, U.S. bombing of Iran's nuclear sites.

albeit he still cherry picks...at least if ya most quote some of the article...include the 57% portion as listed(LA Times/Bloomberg poll beneath the graphs 3/4 page down)...see I played fair and used a 'cippie' credible source...and I just posted the article ..it's up to y'all to credit or discredit.....
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You lying Doofus!

Did you check out the date on your link:

Jan 2006

Its totally out of date and irrelevant. That was a year and a half ago.
that was very decietful and deceptive battleboob, to post a poll that's over a year and a half old and try to pass it off as the current feelings of the american people.

:bs: :nono:
Another lying thread title, and another lie by BB

True the majority favor sanctions But nowhere does it say the majority favor military action

Did you really think we would take your word without checking???

This is what he is referencing. It's old so not much use today.

"""A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll last week found more support, 57 percent, for military action against Iran if it continues to produce material that can be used to develop nuclear weapons. """
God you are a dumb one...

Another lying thread title, and another lie by BB

True the majority favor sanctions But nowhere does it say the majority favor military action

Did you really think we would take your word without checking???

I did not write the article...and if you read it you would have saw that abc and the LA Times /Bloomberg poll was also listed with the 57% comment!
This is what he is referencing. It's old so not much use today.

"""A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll last week found more support, 57 percent, for military action against Iran if it continues to produce material that can be used to develop nuclear weapons. """

January 2006 poll

Battleboobs trying to pass it off as a current poll.
Really where did I say it was not 2006...I...

January 2006 poll

Battleboobs trying to pass it off as a current poll.

assume y'all can read and you looked at the date as I did...so what???did ya miss the popcorn smilie?...This makes a point that you post old hat stuff all the time...over and over again...callin the kettle black is your mantra!
assume y'all can read and you looked at the date as I did...so what???did ya miss the popcorn smilie?...This makes a point that you post old hat stuff all the time...over and over again...callin the kettle black is your mantra!

Then you should have titled this thread, "57% of Americans once supported Military Action Against Iran a Long time ago in a completely different political climate, and I am a retard". That would have at least had a semblance of honesty.
Then you should have titled this thread, "57% of Americans once supported Military Action Against Iran a Long time ago in a completely different political climate, and I am a retard". That would have at least had a semblance of honesty.

We no longer have the capacity to act in Iran. It's irrelevant in the first place.

We have 'limited capacity' to act in Iran at this moment...I agree there is a problemo being that our troops are overextended in Iraq...and what most libs say about the troops wanting out of Iraq...this is true...however the complaint is mostly exhaustion from too many deployments and equipment failure ,wear and tear and acting as police rather than operating as combat troops...so the issue is not irrelevant...imho

Then you should have titled this thread, "57% of Americans once supported Military Action Against Iran a Long time ago in a completely different political climate, and I am a retard". That would have at least had a semblance of honesty.

More insight from the 'Big Kahuna' toke another wowi-maui..and you are the retard...way too much funny stuff coursing thru your veins!
against Iran despite persistent disillusionment with the Iraq war...a majority of Americans support taking military action against Iran...

They couldn't be that stupid.
wear and tear and acting as police rather than operating as combat troops

A modern army should be trained in peacekeeping and peacemaking as well as warfighting. That is par for the course.

More like the troops are sick of a war they cannot win, brought about by morons in government who don't learn the lessons of history or apply a modocum of reasoning, supported by equally ill-informed supporters. Like you.