57 % Americans support Military Action...


wear and tear and acting as police rather than operating as combat troops

A modern army should be trained in peacekeeping and peacemaking as well as warfighting. That is par for the course.

More like the troops are sick of a war they cannot win, brought about by morons in government who don't learn the lessons of history or apply a modocum of reasoning, supported by equally ill-informed supporters. Like you.

You have your opinion and I have mine...
Battleboob, why don't you go ahead and tell us all again how embryos for stem cell research come from abortion clinics?
You prove you're retarded in just about every thread you post on. I mean, embryos from abortion clinics or lying about some old poll data, you're never short of stupid things to say.

You have your opinion and I have mine...

Yep, and that is why we debate, to evaluate the quality of the opinions.

That was so very provoking I suppose this is where I am supposed to concede to your self described superior talent...not going to happen Old Rusty Iron!
You prove you're retarded in just about every thread you post on. I mean, embryos from abortion clinics or lying about some old poll data, you're never short of stupid things to say.

another simple attempt by wiseguy to make himself known on the circuit board theater...!
This guy make sense to anyone else?

No. Somebody who has aliens and Area 51 in their sig and avatar, is already not playing with a full deck. Add a twelve pack of miller genuine draft every morning before lunchtime, and you have a blathering idiot on your hands.
Okee Dokee....

No. Somebody who has aliens and Area 51 in their sig and avatar, is already not playing with a full deck. Add a twelve pack of miller genuine draft every morning before lunchtime, and you have a blathering idiot on your hands.

But I did visit area 51 zand I like the humor...unlike your commie avatar!
Then you should have titled this thread, "57% of Americans once supported Military Action Against Iran a Long time ago in a completely different political climate, and I am a retard". That would have at least had a semblance of honesty.

That sent me into 5 minutes of uncontollable laughter and coughing.

That was good.

Thank you....

No .. but you gotta admit, his uber-stupid comments and threads provide us with a lot of laughter. C'mon now, he's exceptional.

This thread is a funnnny.

But I mix truth with humor..for those bright enough to see what their mistakes in life are!