Where do you come up with such moronic stupidity? Before Obama become President, the DOW was at 15,845.49. When Trump's Presidency began, the Dow was at 19,732.40.
That means that during the eight years of malaise of the Obama Presidency, the Dow managed to gain back what it had lost and add 3,886.91 points. That would be a 24.5% gain.
The DOW closed today at 23,957.89 which is 4,225.49 points higher than the gain under Obama. Trump has gained more in one year than Obama after eight and that includes today's massive 724.42 drop.
If you think there won't be profit taking tomorrow or Monday, you're dumber than a bag of rocks.
That stated, I do find it amusing and ironic that the same leftists that hate Corporate America and capitalism loved it under Obama where the ONLY one's who were winning were Wall Street. Now THAT is some funny shit!![]()
And now for the facts:
"When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) slumped to 7,949.09"
"As of the end of Obama's term on January 20, 2017, the Dow Jones had more than recovered from its January 2009 slump, resting nicely at 19,732.40 for the day"
Wrong again, shocking