6 California Officers Fatally Shoot Rapper At Taco Bell Drive-Thru

Guns are so available these days, they end up in the wrong hands.

I'll wait until the evidence comes out instead of making myself Judge and Jury, but I'm suspecting that this is a case where a gun was obtained illegally, and someone who didn't follow standard protocol of putting their hands up when they should have, ended up getting themselves killed.
If Cops just wanted to kill Black people, then the haters need to explain why the streets are littered with dead Black people everyday; but that only happens in places like Chicago.

Happens every day in Atlanta.. and black families are just as freaked out about the gangbangers as every one else. They shoot each other and the cops shoot them..
Happens every day in Atlanta.. and black families are just as freaked out about the gangbangers as every one else. They shoot each other and the cops shoot them..

What's the problem with gang bangers that shoot other gang bangers getting shot by police? Seems like a win-win.
Happens every day in Atlanta.. and black families are just as freaked out about the gangbangers as every one else. They shoot each other and the cops shoot them..

So are you saying that Atlanta cops are killing Black people everyday and that there are bodies just littering the streets of Atlanta; because that's what the discussion seems to be focused on?
So are you saying that Atlanta cops are killing Black people everyday and that there are bodies just littering the streets of Atlanta; because that's what the discussion seems to be focused on?

Littering the streets? No .. Atl has good fire and rescue services.. A lot of young black men shoot each other ever day in South Atlanta.. and there are always these idiot robberies and carjackings where the perps have guns.. Then you have domestic violence and sometimes confrontations with guns and cops when the cops go to the house. Its never-ending.
Littering the streets? No .. Atl has good fire and rescue services.. A lot of young black men shoot each other ever day in South Atlanta.. and there are always these idiot robberies and carjackings where the perps have guns.. Then you have domestic violence and sometimes confrontations with guns and cops when the cops go to the house. Its never-ending.

I misread your intent.

My bad.

I'm just tired of race baiters always talking about how Cops just want to shoot Blacks and then get away with it; because if this was even close to being true, there would be streets littered with the bodies of dead Black men.

I misread your intent.

My bad.

I'm just tired of race baiters always talking about how Cops just want to shoot Blacks and then get away with it; because if this was even close to being true, there would be streets littered with the bodies of dead Black men.

No way I believe that cops want to shoot black people. There is a problem. I wonder if black parents teach their children to cooperate with police or if they are teaching them to buck all authority. If they are telling them cops want to kill black people they are doing them a huge disservice.

I raised a bunch of kids and I told them NEVER piss off the police. Cooperate. If they are wrong and you are right, we can sort that out later.
No way I believe that cops want to shoot black people. There is a problem. I wonder if black parents teach their children to cooperate with police or if they are teaching them to buck all authority. If they are telling them cops want to kill black people they are doing them a huge disservice.

I raised a bunch of kids and I told them NEVER piss off the police. Cooperate. If they are wrong and you are right, we can sort that out later.

Black parentS? More than 70% of black children are born bastards and single mothers are raising the kids.

How can the baby daddy of Cynthia's child help raise him? This episode shows the test results of the 7th potential sperm donor. Cynthia says she's sure this guy is the one. Does that mean the other 6 she tested were't possibilities? If so, it doesn't say a lot about the type person Cynthia is. The results show #7 wasn't the baby daddy. Let's try for #8.
This is when we react. Call everyone racist. Go riot in the street, burn buildings and target the police before an investigation is completed.

Are you so stupid and fuckin narrow minded to blame every white person.
Are you such an idiot not to believe there are bad people of all colors that are cops, lawyers, doctors, accountants, coaches, nurses, auto mechanics, bankers, etc, etc, etc.

Shit for brains stay in your house don’t burn your neighbors house. The bad ones will be taken care of. What a fuckin moron
There are good and bad people in all professions. They need to be weeded out.

Next time your house has been broken into, you get into an accident or are assaulted, don’t call a cop.
By the way, local dentist was arrested for groping his patients. Make sure you don’t go the the dentist anymore and target all dentist.
A local female teacher was arrested for sexual inaction with a student. Make sure you end your education and target all teachers.

Now we play another game crazy women.
Lionel Tate was 13 when in 1999 he was convicted for murder. He battered to death a 6 year old. Is this were you say boys will be boys.
Eric M Smith born 1/22/80 was convicted of murder on 8/2/93 for the murder of a 4 year old.
Curtis Jones and sister were released from prison in 2015 after being convicted of the murder of his fathers girlfriend.

This is all political for you. You like to relate this to that racist Trump.
You are up in arms when a white officer kills a black man but silent when a black officer kills a black man. You hide under a rock when an officer is targeted and shot to death.
Hopefully there is not many people like you in this world.

Black police officer kills unarmed Australian white woman Justine Damond in Minneapolis in 2017. I remember that incident clearly. It was covered by all the mainstream media at the national level. Remember? There was rioting and looting in the upper class suburbs. The media showed the men in suits walking out of the local department store with televisions. Some of the half million dollar homes were set ablaze over the unjustified shooting.
Dumb dumb perhaps this is where I say all black cops are racist.

You must be a college kid with no life experience and no common sense. Honey you need to grow up.