60 Minutes’ retracts, apologizes for Benghazi report

again... let me just say to my fellow liberals here... this constant blathering about Benghazi will be a GOOD thing for our party. Just like birthers were... these wackos on the right who continue to rant about four dead Americans after having cared fuck all for the much larger numbers of dead American diplomatic corps personnel during Bush's years will not stop beating this dead horse. America knows that there was no malfeasance on the part of Obama OR Hillary in this issue. Shit happens sometimes. Sometimes, when folks in the diplomatic corps get stationed in crazy arab nations, crazy arabs kill them. The more the right wails about this, the more the middle of the bell curve will reject them... and their candidate. This might very well be tasty red meat for the right wing fringe base, but they will never deliver the white house to any GOP candidate.... only the middle will do that.. and howling about Benghazi is losing them the middle. I say we encourage this sort of discussion from them. It certainly cannot hurt a Clinton candidacy whatsoever.

Its clear they are most threatened by Secretary Clinton over any other potential candidate. To me, that's incentive to support her.
If there were anything President Obama or Secretary Clinton could have done to protect their friend, the Libyan Ambassador, I expect they would have don't it. I have seen no indication that there was anything they could have done to have saved him or the three others.
If there were anything President Obama or Secretary Clinton could have done to protect their friend, the Libyan Ambassador, I expect they would have don't it. I have seen no indication that there was anything they could have done to have saved him or the three others.

I'm certain your professions of faith in the Hildebeast and claims of ignorance of any dereliction of duty by her would comfort the bereaved families immensely.

As the assault began, at 4:05 p.m. ET on September 11, an alert from the State Department Operations Center was issued to various government emergency watch lists including the White House Situation Room, the office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the FBI.

Entitled "US Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack," the alert reports "approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well. Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four COM (Chief of Mission/embassy) personnel are in the compound".

At 6:07 p.m. ET, an alert was sent with the subject heading "Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibilty for Benghazi Attack." The U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, says the alert, reports the group "claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

That alert was sent around midnight in Benghazi, hours before the wave of mortar attacks against the CIA annex began.

No outside U.S. military help was sent to Benghazi despite the presence of a major naval air base in Sigonella, Italy, less than one hour's flight away.

Unarmed Predator drones were moved to fly over Benghazi during the attack.

In the weeks before his death, Stevens sent the State Dept. several requests for increased security for diplomats in Libya.

In an interview with CBS News' Margaret Brennan, Secretary Clinton acknowledges that the State Dept. considered using outside assets to rescue those under siege in Benghazi but decided against it:

"Well we considered everything and, um, we did as you know send additional assets from Tripoli. But it was a fast moving, very difficult assault to try to figure out. As you know, the assault on the post ended, there was a gap of time, then the assault on the annex, um, so everybody who had any responsibility was scrambling very hard to figure out what more could be done."

Clinton said they did not send assets from outside Libya "partly because of the difficulties of trying to do that."
