60% of Americans think it would be bad for the country if Trump ran for president aga

racial affinity groups

nope. its the identitarian racist left.


Caucus and Affinity Groups
To advance racial equity, there is work for white people and people of color to do separately and together. Caucuses provide spaces for people to work within their own racial/ethnic groups. For white people, a caucus provides time and space to work explicitly and intentionally on understanding white culture and white privilege and to increase one’s critical analysis around these concepts. A white caucus also puts the onus on white people to teach each other about these ideas, rather than placing a burden on people of color to teach them. For people of color, a caucus is a place to work with peers to address the impact of racism, to interrupt experiences of internalized racism, and to create a space for healing and working for individual and collective liberation. At times, people of color may also break into more specific race-based caucuses, sometimes based on experiences with a particular issue, for example police violence, immigration, or land rights. Groups [...]

I understand now: you're a drunken nazi duck, quacking. Go home and eat worms. :)
Six in 10 Americans believe it would be bad for the country if former President Donald Trump ran again in 2024, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released on Wednesday.

The results show a partisan split: 73% of Republicans think a Trump 2024 bid would be good for the country, while 95% of Democrats think it would be bad. Just over 60% of independent voters also think the former president shouldn't run again. Still, 49% of Americans think Trump will run again, versus 39% who think he won't.


That is like asking people before the year 1492 if sailing around the world was possible, much less a good idea.

They believed myths or lies then and the current public believes myths and lies today about Trump.

And Lord knows what they would do if they knew about Biden's pedo nipple pinching.
soros dems do divide and conquer

im for racial unity.

racial diversity is fine. but our strength is our commitment to great values as embodied in our declaration of independence, and constitution, especially the bill of rights section.

One of the things that made America great was that we all were proud to be AMERICANS.

Those who emphasize skin color or other tribal divisions only weakens our country.

In the Marine Corps I heard of Blacks referred to as dark green Marines.

They were Marines first.

Black as a secondary identifier.