worked for Hitler and Mao.
Worked for Stalin, too. Hopefully they don't try to use their tactics.
worked for Hitler and Mao.
geez, look up insurrection in the dictionary, Jan 6 was not an insurrection....
Worked for Stalin, too. Hopefully they don't try to use their tactics.
horseshit, the only professionals involved were FBI agents who posed as Trump supporters and incited the others to riot. Oh, how about the professional cop who murdered Ashli Babbet, an unarmed female veteran who was committing no crime and was a threat to no one.
Tell it to the judge for the dumbfucks sitting in prison or who will soon be going to prison.
Is there any doubt that some of these insurrectionist, anti-Constitutional assholes will be going to ADX Florence for a long, long time?
"-A pro-Trump mob descended on the Capitol January 6, and hundreds are facing criminal charges.
-It took four hours to secure the building so Congress could certify Joe Biden's victory.
-Seven months later, 638 people have been charged. This searchable table shows them all so far.
Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 638 people have been arrested and charged with crimes.
The FBI is seeking the public's help to identify people who took part in one of the most documented crimes in US history.
But since many rioters were allowed to walk free on January 6, it's taking some time to track them down.
This table includes the names, charges, and links to court documents of all the people charged so far. We're keeping it updated as more names are released."
Thanks for proving you are not only a gutless armchair warrior, but that you are a delusional Trump Dick Sucking anti-American too.
they already are, firing people for refusing a vaccine, allowing infected illegals into the country, then shipping them to red states, withholding drugs that cure covid, punative taxation, cheating on elections. Its happening and the USA will cease to exist if we let them continue in power.
Tell it to the judge for the dumbfucks sitting in prison or who will soon be going to prison.
Is there any doubt that some of these insurrectionist, anti-Constitutional assholes will be going to ADX Florence for a long, long time?
Dude, you're a gutless windbag who is too delusional to hold a job.everything I post is 100% true. Deal with it.
Worked for Stalin, too. Hopefully they don't try to use their tactics.
everything I post is 100% true. Deal with it.
Dude, you're a gutless windbag who is too delusional to hold a job.
Yes, there's a lot of doubt. A heavy-handed response is going to make Biden look like Stalin. You think about that for a minute,
Mr. "I took an oath to uphold the Constitution".
You're already thinking "To the Gulag with them", comrade.
Soooo, besides sitting on your ass and spinning, what are you going to do about it?
$100 says nothing more than bitch on the Internet. LOL
Time will tell. The people who planned for this will do very hard time as domestic terrorists. Those fuckers are no better than the fucking Taliban. They're all traitors and all traitors deserve to be hung.
Terrorism Definitions
International terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups who are inspired by, or associated with, designated foreign terrorist organizations or nations (state-sponsored).
Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.
geez, look up insurrection in the dictionary, Jan 6 was not an insurrection. But tell me this, why are the people arrested that day still in solitary confinement with no court dates, charges, or bail? This is what political objectors are subject to in China or Russia, not the USA. You dem/libs are destroying this great country and you are too stupid to realize it.
you are a moron
Bullshit.Hardly. Watch. If they are sentenced harshly, it will inflame the entire country.
Especially after Obama set free a guy that blew people up in New York.
The vast majority of those people were not criminals before that incident.
The criminals will get what they deserve. The old couple that just followed the tail end of the mob are a lot different than the fuckers attacking and maiming cops.
Your ODS is showing. While Fucking Morons may think it's okay to release a terrorist today because another President released one several years ago, most Americans are not Fucking Morons.
God help our nation if too many become Qless fucking morons.
The criminals will get what they deserve. The old couple that just followed the tail end of the mob are a lot different than the fuckers attacking and maiming cops.
Your ODS is showing. While Fucking Morons may think it's okay to release a terrorist today because another President released one several years ago, most Americans are not Fucking Morons.
God help our nation if too many become Qless fucking morons.