6th Anniversary

Kindly link that Cause I just don't beleive he said it.

Of course, Bush never said it, butt, as I think you have picked up on, the lefties will leave no stone unturned, in order to make Bush look bad? I have seen them make up stories, as if, they were writing fiction for a living and testing it out on other stupit lefties, who will gather together, in a cabal-like way, and viciously attack anyone who disagrees with them? They are no match for me though, and I have been skewering them semi-professionally for over five years now? I have seen some leftie men, get constipated from worrying about which one of them I was going to cyber-skewer next?
"Of course, Bush never said it, butt, as I think you have picked up on, the lefties will leave no stone unturned, in order to make Bush look bad?"

No one said Bush said it - it was a PDB. Rice testified to it; it's fact.

Them's the breaks...
"Of course, Bush never said it, butt, as I think you have picked up on, the lefties will leave no stone unturned, in order to make Bush look bad?"

No one said Bush said it - it was a PDB. Rice testified to it; it's fact.

Them's the breaks...
BS. show the link. to WHOEVER stated it.
So now it comes to who was to have stated it.

* BUSH???? nope that I know off

* Ben (himself) Ladin? nope,

* RICE? I don't think so, ----prove it--- and by the way, she is a woman, not a "HE".
Did you check any of the links I posted? I can post about a dozen more if you need 'em. In one, the WHITE HOUSE releases the contents of the PDB.

I can't believe you have never heard of this. Sorry; it is fact.
And what do you mean by "who was to have stated it?"

It was the President's DAILY BRIEFING. In case you can't discern from the description, it is a briefing he gets at the start of every day. This particular one, which the White House acknowledges, had to do with Bin Laden, and his determination to strike within the US.
Hahaha, denial aint just a river in Egypt...

Bush never saw his Daily Brefings.. Thats a new one.