6th Anniversary

So now it comes to who was to have stated it.

* BUSH???? nope that I know off

* Ben (himself) Ladin? nope,

* RICE? I don't think so, ----prove it--- and by the way, she is a woman, not a "HE".

This is Donny's idea of a "RJS style cyber-skewering" he was bragging about before? ha ha ho ho he he, do not make me laugh? Even the lib pinheads know Rice is a woman? This Donny fell off the AARP bus, and the adminstrator, Damocles, who is only a so-so adminstrator, if you ask me? has been too soft to call them and tell them to come back and collect his ass? You have been skewered again, by the real cyber-skewere, the main man, RJS, accept no imitations? Sorry.
And what do you mean by "who was to have stated it?"

It was the President's DAILY BRIEFING. In case you can't discern from the description, it is a briefing he gets at the start of every day. This particular one, which the White House acknowledges, had to do with Bin Laden, and his determination to strike within the US.
I know that but just because you SAY it is in his daily beeifings doesn't mean it was, or even if it was, that it is true. You keep listing "BOOKWS" to read to verify what you are saying. I am not about to read them.

1. I do not belive Bin Laden said that.

2. I do not beleivie Rice said that.

3. If it was at all in his daily breifings, I must assume you misintrpeted it.
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I know that but just because you SAY it is in his dail bereifings doesn't mean it was, or even if it was, that it is true. You keep listing "BOOK" to read to verify what you are saying. I am not about to read them.

1. I do not belive Bin Laden said that.

2. I do not beleivie Rice said that.

3. If it was at all in his daily breifings, I must assume you misintrpeted it.

For God sakes, Rice testifed to it, and it was all over the news for weeks.

Give it a rest Don.
I know that but just because you SAY it is in his dail bereifings doesn't mean it was, or even if it was, that it is true. You keep listing "BOOK" to read to verify what you are saying. I am not about to read them.

1. I do not belive Bin Laden said that.

2. I do not beleivie Rice said that.

3. If it was at all in his daily breifings, I must assume you misintrpeted it.

Are you serious? You don't know about this? Wow. This one's pretty easy old timer. You just outed yourself as politically unaware of maybe the biggest controversy following September 11th.

Learn something:

Are you serious? You don't know about this? Wow. This one's pretty easy old timer. You just outed yourself as politically unaware of maybe the biggest controversy following September 11th.

Learn something:

Ok, I read both of them, and there is nothing new that I read there. They are nothing more thn a mix-mash of hearsay. not a verifiable fact in the bunch. Read it again with a little grain of salt.

As for your statement: of course I knew about it. I just didn't, and DON't beleive it was a cut and dried report. (as I said in an earlier post in this thread.) I haven't changed my mind. Ben Ladin ihas been a very good rallyong point for all the fearmongering that the US brings forth. It doesn't matter that he is long dead and gone. no one can prove it, so he remains a fear-facter.
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Ok, I read both of them, and there is nothing new that I read there. They are nothing more thn a mix-mash of hearsay. not a verifiable fact in the bunch. Read it again with a little grain of salt.

Okay then. Willful ignorance is not worthy of debating.
If you notice doniston, the PDB was before 9/11/2001.

Basically what they are saying is that Bush didn't take the warning seriously. It would fit right into the the "fear" thing that you seem to be a fan of. (Me too - BTW).
If you notice doniston, the PDB was before 9/11/2001.

Basically what they are saying is that Bush didn't take the warning seriously. It would fit right into the the "fear" thing that you seem to be a fan of. (Me too - BTW).
but I am saying that it was an assumed warning rather than being real. those people were jumping to conclusions. Yes, I know that 911 happened. but not for the reasons stated. Ben Ladin admitted the real reason after the fact.
Is Donnie a closet Bushite or something ?

or something. You know what the something is? An irrelevant, blowhard, who can't admit there is something in the world he didn't know about, or that he could be wrong about anything, and will spend days, weeks, even months, justifying his original jackass statement, which can never be justified, but that won't stop him, or God knows, shut him up.

I am going to be initiating a War On Old People, later today, and it is going to blow Tiana's war on cats and war on children clear out of the water, because brother, I mean business. This isn't going to be some willy-nilly "war". I am going to dust these guys.

For by wise counsel you shall make your war.
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but I am saying that it was an assumed warning rather than being real. those people were jumping to conclusions. Yes, I know that 911 happened. but not for the reasons stated. Ben Ladin admitted the real reason after the fact.
One thing I find amusing is it was the same people who gave the intel for the WMD that were saying this. I guess even a broken watch is right twice a day.
One thing I find amusing is it was the same people who gave the intel for the WMD that were saying this. I guess even a broken watch is right twice a day.

I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at here. There is a pretty big difference between following up on a warning based on intel, and invading & occupying another country based on intel...
I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at here. There is a pretty big difference between following up on a warning based on intel, and invading & occupying another country based on intel...
Hindsight intel evaluation is always 100%, but it seems that sometimes the intel guys are wrong, or vague.
I'm actually not one of those that thinks Bush really could have prevented 9/11 (though I have seen some decent arguments made to that effect).

His alleged response - which I know is just alleged, but, man, does it sound like him - bothers me...
The american intelligence community was more right than people give them credit for. And they certainly never advocated invasion, nor did they ever say Iraq was an imminent or immediate threat:

1) Saddam and Al Qaeda: American intel was RIGHT. They concluded pre-war that Saddam was unlikely to aid or assist Al Qaeda.

2) Post-war Iraq: American intel was RIGHT. They concluded chaos and sectarian violence could follow an american occupation. Bush blew off their warnings.

3) Nukes: American intel had a MIXED record. CIA concluded Saddam was reconstituting a nuclear program, but did not have actual nukes. Partially right. INR however, nailed it. They concluded the aluminum tubes were not for a nuke program, and there was no evidence for a nuke program. NAILED IT. In addition, IAEA reported pre-war there was no evidence of a nuke program.

3)Chem-Bio weapons. This is where american intel fell down. They were WRONG. They concluded, based on the circumstantial evidence of a few "defectors", and saddam's past history, that he had some mustard gas, sarin, etc. They qualified this by saying they had little beyond circumstantial evidence. And anyway, mustard gas and sarin are not really a strategic threat to the United States. They're only real use - under the right conditions - is as a tactical battlefield weapon.

See, I look at those conclusion in March of 2003, and conclude there's not enough evidence to conclude Saddam is an immediate threat, nor is it justification to invade. Bush concluded the opposite.