8 Days and 8,000 Miles Later


Uwaa OmO
5 hours of sleep a night, only in a bed once. 2 showers, 1 sit down meal, 24 states seen, all without a single drop of booze, despite my best efforts to unite the holy trinity.

Pictures to come (we only had one camera so Mike get's to download the pictures first).

So what did I think of it? Well next to Ohio, Florida is the worst state in the nation. And shortly behind Florida is New Jersey. New Orleans is fucking awesome, people were partying in the streets on a Monday night. Dallas was cool too. For being in bumfuck nowhere, Biloxi was pretty cool as well. Saw the Great Smokey Mountains, rode the Dragons Scales. Nearly died several times, and listened to over 3000 songs. Crossed the Mighty Mississippi twice in 24 hours, saw 30 blow outs. What else could I do during my trip?

Man, this is one of the most randomly incoherent posts I've ever made.
that is awesome....

i love trips. i've been from the mexico border (well 12 miles north) to canada and into canada on a road trip. i have never done a trip across country. my wife has, says it is awesome and we are considering it for our anniversary coming up here. me....total west coast boy, never a desire to go east....yet...so much of our country is east (and no, don't laugh because i realize the absolute brilliance of that statement)
Welcome back. When did you start counting the blowouts, or had you planned to all along?
Perhaps I was unclear, that's how many I SAW during our trip, not how many we had. Speaking of which, Arkansas is now the national tire graveyard. You can't go a single mile without seeing at least one whole tire (usually more then 3) lying on the side or in the middle of the road.
Yeah, I meant, did you pass your fifth blowout and decide, "I'm gonna start counting from now on!" or did you expect from the beginning that your trek would be bringing you passed many blowouts?

I had fun when I went to Florida. I would hate to be there in the summer, but the other three seasons would be epic. Spring break would be fun to check out sometime while I'm still young... The only thing that sucks is the damn turnpikes, but as a local you're already avoiding all sorts of taxes.
Yeah, I meant, did you pass your fifth blowout and decide, "I'm gonna start counting from now on!" or did you expect from the beginning that your trek would be bringing you passed many blowouts?

I had fun when I went to Florida. I would hate to be there in the summer, but the other three seasons would be epic. Spring break would be fun to check out sometime while I'm still young... The only thing that sucks is the damn turnpikes, but as a local you're already avoiding all sorts of taxes.
We started counting once we saw the national tire graveyard that is Arkansas. And I never experienced any turn pikes in FL, only the north east.

Crap! I never called! Jeeebus. And I wanted to have a beer with you. Life sometimes goes too fast and hard to pay any attention to important stuff like beer...

That is sad.
Crap! I never called! Jeeebus. And I wanted to have a beer with you. Life sometimes goes too fast and hard to pay any attention to important stuff like beer...

That is sad.
It's cool, we couldn't make it out to CO this time around. Mike had a VA appointment in Florida on Wednesday and we really didn't have to time to drive an extra 40 hours to hit CO and back.
Billy, care to explain why Florida sucks?
Well Miami is one of the ugliest cities in the country (though it's absolutely loaded with stunningly beautiful latinas) and the rest of the state is one great big fucking sweltering hot swamp filled with red necks, FOP's, and HUA Tourist. That's why Florida sucks.