8 Days and 8,000 Miles Later

Perhaps I was unclear, that's how many I SAW during our trip, not how many we had. Speaking of which, Arkansas is now the national tire graveyard. You can't go a single mile without seeing at least one whole tire (usually more then 3) lying on the side or in the middle of the road.
Oooo did you get some sun dried oppossum when you were in Arkansas?
I enjoyed the Orlando area during March. The weather was pleasant, and the scenary was pleasant (goodbye evergreens, hello palm trees). I understand it would suck during the summer, but I really think it would be awesome the rest of the time...
I enjoyed the Orlando area during March. The weather was pleasant, and the scenary was pleasant (goodbye evergreens, hello palm trees). I understand it would suck during the summer, but I really think it would be awesome the rest of the time...
I went to boot camp there in the summer, it was hot... We had to wear long-sleeved shirts and dungarees the whole time.
I went to boot camp there in the summer, it was hot... We had to wear long-sleeved shirts and dungarees the whole time.
I once supervised a spill clean up outside of Cola, SC during the summer. Can you imagine wearing poly coated tyveks with hoods, nitrile gloves, boots, and a full face APR in that heat and humidity? I had to use 3 crews to do a job that would normally take one cause we had to rotate men every 20 minutes to prevent heat stroke. 4 hours into the job I lost half my men to heat exhuastion. 12 guys drank 20 gallons of gatorade in 4 hours. That was one long miserable day. It took 12 hours to finish the job and only 4 of us were left when we were done. I lost 7 lbs in water weight that day and I must had drank 2 gallons of fluids or more.
Well, fuck, I went to Tech School in Biloxi, MS from 8 Nov 2004 to 25 Jan 2005 (minus 9 days of leave for Christmas Break), and I'm under no illusions about how much it would have sucked to have gone there during the summer. Also, San Antonio would have been a royal pain for a cool-weather guy like me if I hadn't attended Basic in the Fall, but as such, I lucked out and attended from 22 Sep to 5 Nov. Being drilled, worked, and humiliated in 104 degrees would have been awful.