8-year-old Utah boy dies after shooting himself in car while mother was inside store


Let It Burn!

8-year-old Utah boy dies after shooting himself in car while mother was inside store​

September 3, 2024 / 7:08 PM EDT / CBS/AP

An 8-year-old boy has died after accidentally shooting himself with a loaded gun left in a car while his mother was inside a Utah convenience store, police said.

The boy was alone in the car about 7:40 p.m. Monday in Lehi — a city about 30 miles south of Salt Lake City — when he shot himself in the head, Jeanteil Livingston with the Lehi City Police Department confirmed to CBS News. The incident occurred in a vehicle located in the parking lot of a Maverick gas station, police said.

The boy was taken to a local hospital in extremely critical condition. He was later airlifted to a hospital up north and died Tuesday morning, police said.

The shooting appeared to be "unintentional and self-inflicted," police said in a statement.

The gun was under a seat in the car, Livingston said. Investigators do not know if the safety was ever on, she said.

8-year-old Utah boy dies after shooting himself in car while mother was inside store​

September 3, 2024 / 7:08 PM EDT / CBS/AP

An 8-year-old boy has died after accidentally shooting himself with a loaded gun left in a car while his mother was inside a Utah convenience store, police said.

The boy was alone in the car about 7:40 p.m. Monday in Lehi — a city about 30 miles south of Salt Lake City — when he shot himself in the head, Jeanteil Livingston with the Lehi City Police Department confirmed to CBS News. The incident occurred in a vehicle located in the parking lot of a Maverick gas station, police said.

The boy was taken to a local hospital in extremely critical condition. He was later airlifted to a hospital up north and died Tuesday morning, police said.

The shooting appeared to be "unintentional and self-inflicted," police said in a statement.

The gun was under a seat in the car, Livingston said. Investigators do not know if the safety was ever on, she said.
Sad and, in this day and age, neglectful.

I had a similar incident when I was 9 except my dad had drilled into me to never, ever point a gun at anyone. We were moving, which we often did once a year as a military family. My parents were in our rental home with the real estate agent to close out the contract. I was sitting in my usual spot behind the driver seat when I spotted my dad's Colt Peacemaker in a holster stashed below his seat in front of me. I pulled it out, cocked it, told my brother to get out of the way, aimed dead center on the back of the seat and pulled the trigger.

The noise was deafening within the enclosed confines of our brand new Pontiac sedan. The pistol fired long Colt .45s which were black powder so the car was also filled with smoke along with the ringing in my ears. I slid along the back seat to the passenger side and opened the door away from the street to get out. About that time my dad came running out of the house, saw both of us were unhurt, picked me up by one arm and swatted my behind. I expected worse, but it never came since 1) he blamed himself and 2) he was so relieved no one was hurt.

The lead-nosed bullet passed through the middle of the seat, ricocheted off the driver's armrest, off the roof and was in pieces on the platform under the rear window. Except for powder burns on my arms and neck and ringing in my ears, I was unhurt. Although I don't recall specifically, I presume my 3 year old brother had similar problems.

A couple years later my father and I participated in a Father-Son NRA shooting competition at Fort Carson, CO. We took 5th. I'd learned a lot more about gun safety in the interim. :)

IMO, schools should offer gun safety classes as an after-school activity. The only reason I didn't point the gun at my brother, much less myself, was due to the training my dad gave me. Obviously the lesson about "make sure the gun isn't loaded" didn't stick with me at the time. LOL

8-year-old Utah boy dies after shooting himself in car while mother was inside store​

September 3, 2024 / 7:08 PM EDT / CBS/AP

An 8-year-old boy has died after accidentally shooting himself with a loaded gun left in a car while his mother was inside a Utah convenience store, police said.

The boy was alone in the car about 7:40 p.m. Monday in Lehi — a city about 30 miles south of Salt Lake City — when he shot himself in the head, Jeanteil Livingston with the Lehi City Police Department confirmed to CBS News. The incident occurred in a vehicle located in the parking lot of a Maverick gas station, police said.

The boy was taken to a local hospital in extremely critical condition. He was later airlifted to a hospital up north and died Tuesday morning, police said.

The shooting appeared to be "unintentional and self-inflicted," police said in a statement.

The gun was under a seat in the car, Livingston said. Investigators do not know if the safety was ever on, she said.
"law abiding gun owner" strikes again.
She needs to pay the price with a few years of prison time, too.

We need to start making examples out of these negligent gun morons.
She probably will, but I think a psych review will prove she's punishing herself for life. Feel free to kick her while she'd down and remind her how her carelessness just cost her of her 8-year-old son. It's the same philosophy as "Burn the witch!" LOL

Utah has laws about letting minors have access to firearms. Not a lawyer, but I suspect the mother will be charged, and convicted, of the negligent death of a minor so you'll have you pound of flesh, Nomad.

She probably will, but I think a psych review will prove she's punishing herself for life. Feel free to kick her while she'd down and remind her how her carelessness just cost her of her 8-year-old son. It's the same philosophy as "Burn the witch!" LOL

Utah has laws about letting minors have access to firearms. Not a lawyer, but I suspect the mother will be charged, and convicted, of the negligent death of a minor so you'll have you pound of flesh, Nomad.
And you got the chance to come across as self righteous and virtue signal about it. :) ;)

Win - win for both of us. :thup:
And you got the chance to come across as self righteous and virtue signal about it. :) ;)

Win - win for both of us. :thup:
Don't hate me because I'm right, No mad. Only hate me if I disagree with reason. :)

Win-Win is the way to go! :thup: