80+% of the GOP loves and supports Trump to this day

If Trump shot Hillary in the face on 5th Ave. He would receive a tickertape parade.if Trump shot Barack in the face on 5th Ave., He would be made king of america. Trump is the champion of the free and living real people and the mortal enemy of the damned.

Trump is loved by truly sick people...like you.

He is sludge...and his continuing supporters are sludge also.

Given that 40% of the illegals are flying in and there's been an increase by about 140% of illegals flying to Canada and walking across the border the wall is moronic

Yeah, you are probably correct.

But as soon as Trump gets Mexico to allocate funds for the wall...I say it should be built. Let him keep this promise.
And the other 20 percent claim they do not support him, but will devote every fiber of their being to defending him or providing cover for him

And I think a lot of those "not a Trump supporter"-supporters are right here on this board!

Can you spell Grumpy!?
If Trump shot Hillary in the face on 5th Ave. He would receive a tickertape parade.if Trump shot Barack in the face on 5th Ave., He would be made king of america. Trump is the champion of the free and living real people and the mortal enemy of the damned.

You're fucked in the head
just let that sink in

America is totally f'd

While true, it's not all doom-and-gloom.

People self-identifying as Republicans in those polls are much smaller than just two years ago.

So while Trump is popular among Republicans, the number of people identifying as Republicans is getting smaller.
Trump got less than half the vote. The 80 percent that is staying with him is about 38 percent of the vote. He needs to expand. His criminal activities and those of his staff and administration should inhibit him from getting more voters. When Nixon qiuit, he still had 28 percent of the voters backing him. He too was a terrible crook with a corrupt admin. The cult is small but it seems to be able to hold onto its membership.
That's the main if not the only thing stopping the GOP establishment from pulling the plug on him.

They've gotten what they wanted - tax cuts.
Do they want a Mexican wall? Nope.
Do they want to cozy up to Putin? Nope.
Do they want tariff wars? Nope.

But Trump's 'base' is the rotten fruit of decades of relentless RW propaganda, and the GOP-meisters have to pretend to like it.
For now.

Hillary said it best...............

adjective: deplorable

deserving strong condemnation
"the deplorable actions of a horrible president"
synonyms: disgraceful, shameful, dishonorable, unworthy, inexcusable, unpardonable, unforgivable;
reprehensible, despicable, abominable, contemptible, execrable, heinous, beyond the pale
"your conduct is deplorable"

shockingly bad in quality.

"The Republican choice for president was deplorable"
synonyms: lamentable, regrettable, unfortunate, wretched, atrocious, awful, terrible, dreadful, diabolical; More
