9 Conservative Myths About Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism

No, she's saying it can happen on both sides but that the left isn't beating the drums like the right is. Her argument is tennous. In recent years almost all acts of domestic terrorism have been from right wing political activist so there is some truth to what she is saying. Back in the 60's it was almost entirely left wing activist that committed domestic acts of terror and that's where her argument begins to fall apart.
When I had finished reading this I was going to say just the same thing. The SLA, and the Weather Underground Organization both spring to mind immediately. They engaged in Kidnapping, bombings, and Bank Robbery. The WRO actually issued a Declaration of War against the United States. They were every bit a terrorist group as were the groups that bombed the Murrah Building and that attack and kill abortion clinics and providers.
interesting scenario....Mussolini increases taxation, distributes the money to nationalized banks, increases government spending on health and welfare, engages in the takeover of business, seizes individual assets....yet he sounds like a conservative to you?.....

No it does not sound conservative, but neither does opposing same sex marriage, it is right wing politics. While new left liberalism and communism are both on the left side of the spectrum they are not the same, just as conservatism and fascism are both on the right side of the spectrum they are NOT the same. True communism as espoused by Marx believe in ultimate ownership of the means of production by the people. The Vanguard was only supposed to establish the revolution and then turn it over to the people. Italian fascism and German Nazism believed in the State and ultimately the leader as the ultimate expression of the people. Both movements oppose individualism and civil rights, but they have different philosophies. The workers and societal good is most important to communists while the nation itself is the most important thing in fascism. Neither the conservative movement in this country nor the liberal movement seeks to end ALL individual rights, they just pick their favorites to attack.
No it does not sound conservative, but neither does opposing same sex marriage, it is right wing politics. While new left liberalism and communism are both on the left side of the spectrum they are not the same, just as conservatism and fascism are both on the right side of the spectrum they are NOT the same. True communism as espoused by Marx believe in ultimate ownership of the means of production by the people. The Vanguard was only supposed to establish the revolution and then turn it over to the people. Italian fascism and German Nazism believed in the State and ultimately the leader as the ultimate expression of the people. Both movements oppose individualism and civil rights, but they have different philosophies. The workers and societal good is most important to communists while the nation itself is the most important thing in fascism. Neither the conservative movement in this country nor the liberal movement seeks to end ALL individual rights, they just pick their favorites to attack.

politically, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor a strongly centralized government.....American conservativism favors decentralization...

economically, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor government control of business....American conservativism argues for private ownership....

socially, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor an active government providing for the social needs of it's citizens....American conservativism argues for individual responsibility....

what are the similarities between fascism and conservativism?......
politically, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor a strongly centralized government.....American conservativism favors decentralization...

Which is why in the last 8 years we saw a huge growth in Federal Police forces, national laws on marriage, and huge growth of centralized government control of education.

economically, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor government control of business....American conservativism argues for private ownership....

Fascism and Communism favor government OWNERSHIP of banks and businesses, American liberalism is a bit heavy handed on control of the markets while the conservatives are in favor of extreme deregulation, neither of which seem to help business or the economy

socially, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor an active government providing for the social needs of it's citizens....American conservativism argues for individual responsibility....The differences between American liberal policies and State ownership of all the hospitals, as an example show the differences.

what are the similarities between fascism and conservativism?......

Again, if you could read, I said they are on the same side of the political spectrum but NOT THE SAME. Do you get it yet?
Thus endeth the lesson.
The only real respect that Fascism is more simialar to modern liberalism than modern conservatism is that liberals happen to be a little more collectivist than the conservatives. The Fascists were far more collectivist than even Bernie Sanders, but don't tell that to your conservative nutbag friend. However, that's not the only defining aspect of rather or not something is left or right wing. They also had no respect for human life, and were hyper-nationalistic, and a score of other features which clearly puts them closer to modern American conservatives than to be liberals. But to call conservatives fascists would be ridiculous hyperbole even give that.

It's also worth noting that the only party in the German parliament to vote against the enabling act was the Socialists. The moderates, conservatives, and Christians all went along with Hitler. Clearly, Hitler was supported by the right and the moderates in the country, and opposed by the left. Nearly all parties had a collectivist bent since the liberals had been wiped off the map years before

There's a broad range of things that define a political ideology, and to pin it all down on how collectivist they happened to be is stupid beyond belief. And yes, the libertarian's social/economic scale is an oversimplification as well.
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Again, if you could read, I said they are on the same side of the political spectrum but NOT THE SAME. Do you get it yet?

uh, no....because you have yet to give me evidence they are on the same side of the political spectrum.....I just got done giving you evidence that they are on the same side of the spectrum as the left economically, politically, and socially.....

Which is why in the last 8 years we saw a huge growth in Federal Police forces, national laws on marriage, and huge growth of centralized government control of education.

and didn't the Republican party lose favor among conservatives because of it?.....confirms my point...

Fascism and Communism favor government OWNERSHIP of banks and businesses, American liberalism is a bit heavy handed on control of the markets while the conservatives are in favor of extreme deregulation, neither of which seem to help business or the economy

??...what percentage of Chevrolet do we currently own?.....

The differences between American liberal policies and State ownership of all the hospitals, as an example show the differences

you have completely ignored the entire debate over universal health care.....

I asked you for evidence, you haven't provided any....
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They also had no respect for human life, and were hyper-nationalistic, and a score of other features which clearly puts them closer to modern American conservatives than to be liberals.

however, if you compare them to reality, instead of the mindless liberal stereotype of the right, you discover that your "evidence" of similarity is meaningless drivel.....ah, never mind, you've already admitted it is ridiculous hyperbole.....

It's also worth noting that the only party in the German parliament to vote against the enabling act was the Socialists.
it's also worth noting that Mussolini began as a socialist and was thrown out of the party simply because of his stance on neutrality during WW1....they praised his commitment to socialist ideals even then.....
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politically, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor a strongly centralized government.....American conservativism favors decentralization...
No it doesn't. You ever hear of Federalism?

economically, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor government control of business....American conservativism argues for private ownership....
Again, you don't know what your talking about. Study some history dude. American liberals invented the free market concept.

socially, fascism, socialism, communism and American liberalism favor an active government providing for the social needs of it's citizens....American conservativism argues for individual responsibility....
Again, you don't know what your talking about. American liberalism favors liberty, freedom of choice, freedom of self determination, the value of the individual, the sanctity of private property and human rights. You base your argument on a false premis. Having a social conscience and understanding that a civilized socieity often enters into social contracts for the betterment of all does not in any way negate the value of individual responsibility. Nor does it equate with extremism, authoritarianism or totalitarianism. Such an inference defies both logic and reason.

what are the similarities between fascism and conservativism?......
There aren't any but you keep forgeting. The American far right is not in any way shape or form conservatives. They are political reactionaries. Just because you co-opt a term does not make it so. The correalation with far right reactionaries are authoritarianism and it's totalitarian cousin fascism.
9 Conservative Myths About Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism
By Sara Robinson
Our Future.org
Monday, Jun 22, 2009

1. These are just "lone wolf" psychos who are acting alone. You can't hold anybody else responsible for what crazy people decide to do.


The SLPC reported today that rightwing militias are on now on the rise again, and their numbers are skyrocketing.


To me, it's self evident. They hate black people, illegal immigrants, and women who won't stay in the kitchen. We have the nations first black president - who is also evidently an illegal immigrant from kenya (bonus!) - and a wise latina on the supreme court. The cherished authority and power of the white male has been diminished, and the demographics of the nation will never again allow rightwing white males to hold the kind of power they did in the hey day of the reagan revolution. A white republican party will always be a minority party, from now until forever.

This scares the shit out of right wing militias.

One of these nuts is going to take a shot at Obama. Or blow up a federal building. Or an abortion clinic. This isn't even debatable. It's going to happen.
No it doesn't. You ever hear of Federalism?

Again, you don't know what your talking about. Study some history dude. American liberals invented the free market concept.

Again, you don't know what your talking about. American liberalism favors liberty, freedom of choice, freedom of self determination, the value of the individual, the sanctity of private property and human rights. You base your argument on a false premis. Having a social conscience and understanding that a civilized socieity often enters into social contracts for the betterment of all does not in any way negate the value of individual responsibility. Nor does it equate with extremism, authoritarianism or totalitarianism. Such an inference defies both logic and reason.

There aren't any but you keep forgeting. The American far right is not in any way shape or form conservatives. They are political reactionaries. Just because you co-opt a term does not make it so. The correalation with far right reactionaries are authoritarianism and it's totalitarian cousin fascism.

we'll chalk that post up as more ridiculous hyperbole....if you care to approach this debate honestly, feel free....otherwise, don't waste our time....
American liberalism favors liberty, freedom of choice, freedom of self determination, the value of the individual, the sanctity of private property and human rights. You base your argument on a false premis.
and apparently you are basing yours on a false distinction......identify which of those you believe distinguishes "liberals" from "conservatives".....I have presented a factor which distinguishes, namely, the role of government with respect to those matters......deal with that instead of commonalities....
sometimes, Ringer, you are just too amusing for words.....so I will just remind you of yours...

Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet
bullshit.....she's claimed "fascism" is strictly a conservative movement....

Originally Posted byMott the Hoople
Oh no. She's dead on correct there. Fascism is a form of right wing poltics. No one seriously argues that....

Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet
what are the similarities between fascism and conservativism?......

Originally Posted by Mott the Hoople
There aren't any but you keep forgeting. The American far right is not in any way shape or form conservatives.

apparently then, she's "dead on correct" in saying that fascism is a conservative movement even though there are no similarities between them......and, though "the American far right is not conservative", YOU were the one that equated them with conservatives in defending the OP........brilliant job on that serious argument.....
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it's also worth noting that Mussolini began as a socialist and was thrown out of the party simply because of his stance on neutrality during WW1....they praised his commitment to socialist ideals even then.....

And he banned the socialist party. And the liberal party.

I wouldn't take Mussolini's pre-power beliefs very seriously - he did whatever he had to.
And he banned the socialist party. And the liberal party.

I wouldn't take Mussolini's pre-power beliefs very seriously - he did whatever he had to.

he only differed from the socialists on the issue of a strong military.....parallels today's situation, where liberals differ from fascists only over that very same issue.....
And having a democracy?

Do you think you're oversimplifying things a bit?

/shrugs....I have demonstrated similarities between fascism and the spectrum of the left on politics, economics and social issues....I have asked for similarities between fascism and the spectrum on the right and have received nothing except the simple statement that they share that position.....

which side is oversimplifying?.....
And having a democracy?
"having democracy" isn't a distinguishing factor between liberals and conservatives, either.....if you intend to show that the right and fascists are in sync, you need to identify things that distinguish the left from fascists that also do not distinguish the right from fascists......