9 dem candidate's polling at 0%

If Hamilton, Franklin, Washington, Madison, Jay, Franklin and Jefferson, somehow resurrected themselves and ran as a Democrat you would conclude the same "quite the distinguished field," so what is your point?

LIE and LAME. Good lord you are one dimwitted twat. :laugh:
It is a CLOWN show. Much like the antics of Nadler in the House. It is a travesty of how the Party of the Jackass is making a mockery of our institutions and election system.

This is only about half of the idiots in the 2016 Republican Clown Show! And the main clown won! LOL! Talk about YOUR jackass!

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This is only about half of the idiots in the 2016 Republican Clown Show! And the main clown won! LOL! Talk about YOUR jackass!

The 2016 Republican campaign was anything but a clown show snowflake. You were probably changing your depends when the debates were on. There were TWELVE. A very diverse group in contrast to the all white and mostly MALE candidates on the Democrat side.

With 23 loony leftists on the Party of the Jackass nomination list; we're seeing a real clown show and how far left and stupid they can go. They will be tripping over each other to offer goodies to their idiot constituency and promising tax increases to pay for it all.

Good luck with that asinine message. :laugh:
Your misplaced foolish arrogance reminds me of the same thing that happened in 2016. You sad pathetic fools are capable of learning nothing.

We are still learning how you assholes cheated and lied your way to win in 2016. If it weren't for Putin's winning the election for your dumb asses, you idiots would be eating donkey shit right now!

lol......nobody had to cheat to beat Hilliary........nobody will have to cheat to beat Bernie either......(though Hilliary did, now that I think of it).......

No one expects you to understand the truth about anything! Because you are a Donald Trump ass-kissing Republican who don't give a fuck about the truth!

But, hey! Continue to lie- that wins obviously!
And nearly half poll at zero. Only 4 in double digits.
Your party could do as well plucking twenty random people at Walmart.
Whats worse is where are they getting money from ?

Total bullshit, no way. Target, well maybe...

I would like to see Yang & Gabbard go @ least past the first cut but the rest of the 0% need to get noticed or get lost IMHO!!