9 MM

Ha you're so not funny. Were you this lame when you were young?

I bet your classmates ragged on you constantly. I definitely would have.

You know what we do to faggots like you where I'm from?
Whatever darla....

I dare you to spend EVEN LESS time on it. Bet you can't do it.

In fact, just don't come back for two weeks if you're man enough.

I bet your dick is too small do it, and that you'll be back within a day.

Am I right or wrong?

By the way, if you're not going to try then I will just have to assume that you are a tiny-dicked wannabee who likes flirting with me too much to leave the site.

you are a very strange person...you don't know who or what you are seek psychological help for this problemo of yours...it's called bi-polar syndrome!:shock:
What's particularly funny is that you don't even know why I dislike you so much.

Of course in your old age I doubt you can actually comprehend much of anything these days.

Fuck, you can't even go a whole post without making a smiley face. You're like a baby in an old drunk's body.
Whatever darla..............

What's particularly funny is that you don't even know why I dislike you so much.

Of course in your old age I doubt you can actually comprehend much of anything these days.

Fuck, you can't even go a whole post without making a smiley face. You're like a baby in an old drunk's body.

:gives: if you like me or not...I sure as hell don't!...take your meds!

Is there any particular reason you're calling me Darla? Or are you just mad that your wife doesn't love you anymore?

'If it walks like a duck,talks like a duck...damn it must be a duck'

as for the ex...no I'm estatic that she doesn't love to rip off my bank account with all that love...she has quite a few new ones to do that lovin' too! Iv'e been free as a bird since 1981!

Now go play with us cit...ya are making a total ass out of yourself with all this childish banter!
I spend way less time on this or any other board... than you and the other(three Musketeers) college boys club in here...cupcake!

Just look at who can be found posting all hours of the day/ night just in here...ya won't find my name...but the three musketeers are always posting late at night into the early morining hours...the date/time factor shows that!...
lol you have like 8k posts epic only has 3k
and your point?

lol you have like 8k posts epic only has 3k

do you need to come to eppi's aid? gee damo,us cit darla,cypress,and a few others are way ahead of me...and you rarely find me in here on week-ends...except for a post or two answering stupid peoples accusations...and rarely ever in here late at night or early morning before the 'Cock Crows'...and for the most part during the daytime...I am in and out of here between e-bay and craigs list sales...and other personal dealings /projects!:shock:
I have more artistic talent in my left pinkienail than i 1000 times that "talent" that is displayed in all of those three men's compilations combined.