93% peaceful

Protesters hurled rocks and smashed windows in downtown Washington, D.C. on January 20 ahead of the inauguration of Donald Trump as U.S. president. Police responded with pepper spray to disperse the protesters.

Protesters hurled rocks and smashed windows in downtown Washington, D.C. on January 20 ahead of the inauguration of Donald Trump as U.S. president. Police responded with pepper spray to disperse the protesters.


How many deaths and injuries occurred from those protests? We those protestors attempting insurrection against the government of the US. Your attempt at some type of comparison is pitiful.
The insurrectionists should have all been machined-gunned down except that such a reasonable response would give our foreign adversaries even better propaganda footage than they have already.
At Least 5 DEAD, Dozens sent to the Hospital for Serious Injuries, the US Capital Trashed, People Traumatized by a Serious threats to their Lives and Health, the USA made to look like a Banana Republic, and our very Democracy put in Jeopardy.
The insurrectionists should have all been machined-gunned down except that such a reasonable response would give our foreign adversaries even better propaganda footage than they have already.

One unarmed woman shot to death wasn't enough for you?
One unarmed woman shot to death wasn't enough for you?

breaking into the capitol while chanting death threats, then attempting to break into where the legislators were and might be tracked down might get your ass shot, asshole. and it did in her case. tough shit for her, shit for brains.
breaking into the capitol while chanting death threats, then attempting to break into where the legislators were and might be tracked down might get your ass shot, asshole.

Was she chanting death threats, my little bitch?

What happened to "hands up don't shoot", my little bitch?
Was she chanting death threats, my little bitch?

What happened to "hands up don't shoot", my little bitch?

breaking into a chamber by force when cops are on the other side yelling at you to cease and desist, and they do not know if you are armed or not, but you are crazy enough to keep breaking down the entrance to get at them, and you say they are the ones who are wrong, you stupid piece of shit pig? if this was a black guy somehow breaking into the capitol because biden told him to you would be wanting to build a statue to the cop who shot his ass. what a punk ass bitch you are.
Protesters hurled rocks and smashed windows in downtown Washington, D.C. on January 20 ahead of the inauguration of Donald Trump as U.S. president. Police responded with pepper spray to disperse the protesters.


Did they storm the Capitol intending upon stopping the actual oath of office from being administered to Trump? Did any of the attendees at the Inauguration have to be quickly evacuated in fear of their safety? Did any leading Democrat encourage them to "fight like hell" or "to get ready for combat?"

As a side note, is this one of the video where O'Keefe tried to pay people to act violently so that he could put together one of his edited films for Fox?
breaking into a chamber by force when cops are on the other side yelling at you to cease and desist, and they do not know if you are armed or not, but you are crazy enough to keep breaking down the entrance to get at them, and you say they are the ones who are wrong, you stupid piece of shit pig?

I don't recall saying "they are the ones who are wrong", my little bitch.

Do you think I did?

Are you saying that it's OK for cops to shoot and kill someone as long as they are yelling "cease and desist", and say they "do not know if someone is armed or not"?

I'll understand if you dodge the question, of course, my little bitch.

if this was a black guy somehow breaking into the capitol because biden told him to you would be wanting to build a statue to the cop who shot his ass. what a punk ass bitch you are.


Did they storm the Capitol intending upon stopping the actual oath of office from being administered to Trump?

Don't you know?

Did any of the attendees at the Inauguration have to be quickly evacuated in fear of their safety?

Check into it and circle back, will you?

Did any leading Democrat encourage them to "fight like hell" or "to get ready for combat?"

Did they?

This looks a lot like whataboutism.

As a side note, is this one of the video where O'Keefe tried to pay people to act violently so that he could put together one of his edited films for Fox?

Is it? Is this your usual attempt at employing a genetic fallacy?
Don't you know?

Check into it and circle back, will you?

Did they?

This looks a lot like whataboutism.

Is it? Is this your usual attempt at employing a genetic fallacy?

Don't have to, I can answer all the questions for you; NO, NO, NO, and you have already been lectured on your misuse of "genetic fallacies'"

Oh, oh! Let me try!

Don't you know?

Okay, so no.

Check into it and circle back, will you?

Nope, they didn't.

Did they?

This looks a lot like whataboutism.

This thread is ENTIRELY whataboutism -- that, or you're too fucking stupid to understand what "current" events are.

Is it? Is this your usual attempt at employing a genetic fallacy?

Yes, probably.

You have no fucking idea what a "genetic fallacy" is, do you?
The insurrectionists should have all been machined-gunned down except that such a reasonable response would give our foreign adversaries even better propaganda footage than they have already.

Why not use dogs and fire hoses like you did against blacks in the 60's.