93% peaceful

I don't recall saying "they are the ones who are wrong", my little bitch.

Do you think I did?

Are you saying that it's OK for cops to shoot and kill someone as long as they are yelling "cease and desist", and say they "do not know if someone is armed or not"?

I'll understand if you dodge the question, of course, my little bitch.

she was shot to death while committing a felony. whether or not the cop was justified to use deadly force is up to the department to decide, but i can see where he believed his life was in danger. it sure did stop the assholes from coming in, didn't it, asshole? once you start breaking into government buildings with intent to kill, as these stupid shit trump stooges chanted so people could hear, then all bets are off for their safety after that. fuck you if you don't like it, hypocritical piece of shit.
she was shot to death while committing a felony. whether or not the cop was justified to use deadly force is up to the department to decide, but i can see where he believed his life was in danger. it sure did stop the assholes from coming in, didn't it, asshole? once you start breaking into government buildings with intent to kill, as these stupid shit trump stooges chanted so people could hear, then all bets are off for their safety after that. fuck you if you don't like it, hypocritical piece of shit.

I said I'd understand if you dodged the question, my little bitch.
Why not use dogs and fire hoses like you did against blacks in the 60's.

I was literally one of those assaulted with dogs and firehouses in the 1960s, and I'm white.
Portraying the left as the fascists is absurd not only logically but linguistically as well.
Protesters hurled rocks and smashed windows in downtown Washington, D.C. on January 20 ahead of the inauguration of Donald Trump as U.S. president. Police responded with pepper spray to disperse the protesters.


I for one am not going to cry over bank of america which is a predatory lender crony capitalist facsist bank from having a window smashed,
I was literally one of those assaulted with dogs and firehouses in the 1960s, and I'm white.


I don't believe you, Dicklick.

Portraying the left as the fascists is absurd not only logically but linguistically as well.

Well, let's see.

Dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, political violence, bigotry of a demonized 'other', and strong regimentation of society, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion .... CHECK!

It's a match.
The insurrectionists should have all been machined-gunned down except that such a reasonable response would give our foreign adversaries even better propaganda footage than they have already.

Can you only imagine what would be the result if an angry mob of anyone, armed with riot gear and weapons, tried to break into the White House, or a Federal Reserve Bank, or the CIA building, or the FBI building, or the Justice building, or the Supreme Court building?

They would have been gunned down instantly by the authorities- and rightfully so!
Can you only imagine what would be the result if an angry mob of anyone, armed with riot gear and weapons, tried to break into the White House, or a Federal Reserve Bank, or the CIA building, or the FBI building, or the Justice building, or the Supreme Court building? They would have been gunned down instantly by the authorities- and rightfully so!


