A-10 Warthog to stay in Service

You're the one not making sense. Billy's analogy to battle cruisers is spot on. They don't fight ground engagements like that anymore. Smart weapons exist that can detect and take out, such assets at considerably greater distance with GPS level of precision at far lower cost. Enemies like ISIS don't mass assets in open areas as the know they are sitting ducks. You're not only a generation behind in weapons platforms but still stuck in the coldwar strategic and tactical paradigm.

You ought to read this well written article about the A-10 especially in light of the news that the F-35 is totally screwed at least for the next 5 years and maybe forever. Oh and stop listening to Billy Barstool! The basic problem is the Air Force don't want to do close air support anymore so will just make up shit to get out of it.

Lest anyone believe McCain was behaving arbitrarily, or that he was assailed by a fit of uncontainable rage … it should be noted that there was nothing whimsical or mysterious about this confrontation — if something so lopsided can be granted that label. This was a predictable and eminently avoidable beating that could be seen coming a mile away. So why didn’t Gen. Welsh avoid it? More on that in a few … but suffice to say it was a conscious choice to fly into the teeth of a known threat.

There is an immutable truth at the core of this dispute. In fact, the “debate” about the A-10 has, over the last three budget cycles, been less about retiring it per se, and more about the Air Force’s refusal to stipulate plainly and transparently to this immutable truth.

Here it is:

The Air Force has no intention of replacing the A-10.

That’s it. Lost in all the sound and fury is the fact that the Air Force wants out of not just the A-10 business, but the part of the Close Air Support business that takes place in the segment of the warfighting spectrum occupied by the A-10. The F-35 will never occupy this segment of the mission, as Welsh conceded in the hearing. This means to the extent there is a mismatch, the Air Force is knowingly selling itself out of part of its warfighting role without explicitly advertising the risk to the joint force of doing so.

McCain knows this is the case, and he wants the Air Force to explain openly what it’s doing, absorb the attendant political costs, and accept whatever Congressional re-direct might follow. He’s agitated because the Air Force is attempting to pursue a novel warfighting vision — one carrying risk to the joint force of the future — not by annunciating it, but by systematically eliminating the capabilities necessary to pursue the chief competing vision. It’s a disingenuous approach, which McCain has repeatedly highlighted since 2013. At this point, he clearly doesn’t trust Gen. Welsh. This is arguably reason alone for Welsh to move his retirement forward and get out of the way. A broken relationship between these two officials … and the antagonism it generates … just ends up hurting the rank and file and subtly undermining national defense.

The A-10 specializes in low/slow, long-loiter, tightly coordinated, fluid, under-the-weather, danger close, 30mm cannon-centric air support. It can absorb small arms fire and shoulder-fired missiles and keep on chugging, making it an ideal companion for ground formations on the move. The Air Force’s future vision excludes this kind of air support — not so much because it will cease to exist, but because the service just doesn’t want to do it anymore. Accordingly, it’s engaging in a slow-motion redefinition of the entire mission set — or attempting to do so while getting slapped silly by McCain, Sen. Kelly Ayotte, and others. It sees the future of Close Air Support (or says it does) existing exclusively in an advanced radar threat environment requiring stealthy air operations. An environment where munitions are delivered from arms length and through the weather. No more of this getting down in the dirt and hanging around gun battles. Instead, following Drumpf-esque “logic” perfectly appropriate to the times, the F-35 will somehow “just make it happen.” Or so the joint force tepidly hopes.

McCain is having none of this. Hence his absolute man-handling of Gen. Welsh on the subject.

Both men are visibly tired of this recurring routine. Welsh is exhausted at the entire prospect of trying to explain why, time after time, he chooses to push the A-10 into the boneyard rather than seeking to shelve some other weapon system. He can’t admit in open court that it’s tied to service’s desire to free itself of traditional Close Air Support, which it views as a costly luxury falling outside the core of what it does (or wants to be doing) for the nation’s defense. When times get tight, it’s the first thing to go. Before staff cars, personal servants, bands, show choirs, bloated VIP fleets, and new headquarters buildings … it’s the first thing the Air Force wants to kill. Every time.

McCain, for his part, is tired of being deceived. He calls Welsh on it, and he’s not wrong. The A-10 is still in high demand … and yet it’s the weapon the service chooses to retire without a replacement on-hand. Welsh’s oft-galloping and internally conflicted rationales have now found the hinge of insufficient manpower, and this too is disingenuous. The Air Force kicked out more than 11,000 people two years ago. It did this in one year instead of using the five years Congress authorized. This was a regrettable and damaging error. To now suggest that manpower is the reason for the A-10 being singled out, despite its continuing value … is to admit to a self-inflicted mistake of gargantuan magnitude at best, and to brazenly lie at worst.

Manpower isn’t the reason for the A-10 retirement proposal: it’s the strategy. Cut so many people that you can only progress along one narrow path – standing down the A-10 to make room for the F-35 – and then rely on the self-created absence of choice to get what you wanted all along. It’s all a game and a dark joke at the expense of those who take the Air Force at its increasingly frail word.

This all makes transparent why the Air Force kicked out maintainers in 2014 (despite the fact the career field was widely known to be undermanned) … and then rapidly changed its story to exclaim breathlessly that it needed more maintainers in 2015. It was, perhaps, a gambit to coerce Congress into killing the A-10, which is important to the Welsh Air Force not just because it makes room for the F-35, but because it accommodates a favored vision of the role of blue airpower in the joint force. That vision does not include traditional Close Air Support.

Welsh’s overall performance was somewhere between defeatist and curmudgeonly. It’s not clear how the Air Force will get the help it needs when the manpower crisis is portrayed in muted tones … when the Chief of Staff declines to tell the Senate that he needs tens of thousands more people to sustainably do the job the Administration is ordering him to do … and when he can’t stop alienating the committee chairman to save his life. Welsh lost his bearing several times and projected a demeanor of open disdain. It raises a huge question: if he can’t get along with the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, should he remain the Chief of Staff?

I’ve had many people tell me privately in the last few months that Welsh wasn’t going to go back to Congress this year with any suggestion of retiring the A-10. He had concluded it was a non-starter legislatively and wasn’t going to take another unproductive beating. He should have stuck to his original impulse.

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What a bunch of clap.
Why would a master seargent with tours on the ground in the ME know anything that you armchair faggots don't?
Fucking dusgusting chickenhawk shit heads.
That may or may not be but your and annata's comments are still utter bullshit.
He knows what the fuck he is talking about.
You two are bloviating as usual.

Of course if you were anywhere near as intelligent as you've claimed in the past, then you'd explain why but you can't because you are all piss and wind!! If you were to elicit the testimony of some pilots then I might afford you some respect, but that's not going to happen, is it?
Of course if you were anywhere near as intelligent as you've claimed in the past, then you'd explain why but you can't because you are all piss and wind!! If you were to elicit the testimony of some pilots then I might afford you some respect, but that's not going to happen, is it?

The seargents always know better than the generals (especially the armchair variety.