A bijou history lesson

please don't say pencil dick. it's offensive and it's body shamming and really lowers the quality of the posts on this board. thanks.

Make them stop calling me bijou, I don't even know what the hell that means, but they way they use it it must be offebsive! And what rule covers body slamming just so I know the next time someone says something offensive to me!
Make them stop calling me bijou, I don't even know what the hell that means, but they way they use it it must be offebsive! And what rule covers body slamming just so I know the next time someone says something offensive to me!


You really are thenthitive.
In the summer of 1969, the alliance between the Panthers and SNCC begins ripping apart. One of the main points of dispute is the inclusion of whites in the struggle for minority liberation, a dispute which is pushed into an open gun fight at the University of California in Los Angeles against the group US, led by Maulana Karenga, which leaves two Panthers dead.

What does this have to do with drugs or any other dispute. There is nothing here that talks about "gang banging." It appears to be a policy dispute. These people were Marxists not Democrats. I know you think they are the same thing. They are not.

On August 22, 1989, Huey Newton is shot dead on the streets of Oakland in a drug dispute.

Not quite or at least that version is disputed. In fact there is only one person who claimed that Newton even used drugs:

On August 22, 1989, co-founder and leader of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Huey P. Newton was fatally shot on the 1400 block of 9th street in West Oakland by 24-year-old Black Guerilla Family member, Tyrone Robinson.[5] Relations between Newton and factions within the Black Guerilla Family had been strained for nearly two decades. Former Black Panther members who became BGF members in jail had become disenchanted with Newton for his perceived abandonment of imprisoned Black Panther members and allegations of Newton's fratricide within the party. In his book, Shadow of the Panther, Hugh Pearson alleges that Newton was addicted to crack cocaine, and his extortion of local BGF drug dealers to obtain free drugs added to their animosity.

The part which I have highlighted gives a different reason that he might have been shot. There is no conclusive evidence as to why he was shot. The people who shot him could have been instructed to by Cleaver. Cleaver was in a shootout with police and he only got 5 years probation, and that was after escaping to Algeria to avoid prosecution too. He must have given up someone or performed some service to get away with all that. I always thought he directed the killing of Newton. You may think this was about drugs but, I never believed that from my reading: it was about killing the head of the Panther Party. I like others always believed the FBI was involved in this murder!

As Eldidge (SIC) Cleaver would later explain in an interview a year before his death: "As it was [the U.S. government] chopped off the head [of the Black liberation movement] and left the body there armed. That's why all these young bloods are out there now, they've got the rhetoric but are without the political direction... and they've got the guns."

Cleaver is basically blaming the government for the death of Newton here; and this part you left out for some reason indicates that is the case as well: "In March, 1970, the FBI begins to soe (SIC) seeds of factionalism in the Black Panthers, in part by forging letters to members. Eldridge Cleaver is one of their main targets — living in exile in Algiers — they gradually convince him with a steady stream of misinformation that the BPP leadership is trying to remove him from power. Cleaver recieved stacks of forgered FBI letters from supposed party members, criticising Netwon's leadership, and asking for Cleaver to take control. An example of such a forged letter, written using the name of Connie Matthews, Newton's personal secretary:" It also says that his drug problem if it even existed was "very probabl[y] the work of the FBI."


And this stupid link doesn't even work. Why am I not surprized!

So in spit of your masterful and selective copying you have been found out and there isn't enough evidence here to support your claims and there is certainly no evidence that the Black Panther's were drug dealing gang bangers. Nor is there any evidence here or anywhere that they were in any way connected to the Democrats or even liberals. In short, a close look shows that you're just pissing in the wind.
What's odd is people starting threads based on complete ignorance!

Hasn't stopped you yet, Bijou.

She's too stupid to know why we call her Bijou?

She is not stupid, only one other poster used the pencil dick sobriquet and that was Bijou. It is perfectly clear that she is either Bijou or has been primed in advance by another, you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to work out who that might be.
Is it an insult if directed at the likes of Legion and IHA, who are obviously suffering from the physical shortcoming that is pencil dickery?
Is it an insult if directed at the likes of Legion and IHA, who are obviously suffering from the physical shortcoming that is pencil dickery?

It was directed at me primarily by Dantes and previously by Bijou. You are a bright guy, do I need to spell it out for you?