A Brief History of Marijuana Law?

anyone who backs what the republicans want to see done to this country backs the people who would have NO power if they didn't CHEAT to win
This democracy does NOT want what the right wants.

If our elections were held to their original purpose ( to glean what the people wanted done from the people themselves) then the right would be powerless.

how does that make you feel about your historically failed ideas?
the Poopy pants defense in use.

tell us all why the republican party has had case after case brought against it for cheating in elections for decades now?

GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down'

October 25, 1986|From the Washington Post

NEWARK, N.J. — A Republican National Committee official calculated that a so-called ballot security program in Louisiana "could keep the black vote down considerably," according to documents released in federal court Friday.

The documents and court hearing were the latest developments in a controversy over the GOP's ballot program that Democrats maintain is aimed at reducing minority turnout. The Republicans say the program's sole purpose is to purge ineligible voters from voting roles.

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document

She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
The document, called Exhibit 13, was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise when lawyers for the Democratic National Committee said it was needed to question Wolfe.

Wolfe testified that she wrote about the possibility of keeping the black vote down to remind Griffith that there "might be a political situation he might want to consider. . . . I wanted him to be aware of the political considerations."

The Democrats are suing the Republican Party for $10 million, charging that the Republican National Committee ballot security programs--a method of assuring that voters reside at their listed addresses--violated a 1981 consent agreement signed by both parties.

right from the very TOP of the party
the Poopy pants defense in use.

tell us all why the republican party has had case after case brought against it for cheating in elections for decades now?
do you really think I care to defend a party I don't vote for, despite your steadfast idiocy in believing that I do?
If your not a republican then can you tell me why you deny all the court documented evidence they cheat their asses off in elections?
why do you not want to discuss the republican party decades of court documented cheating if you don't like them?
do you really think I care to defend a party I don't vote for, despite your steadfast idiocy in believing that I do?

You certainly NEVER want to talk of killing the cheating party for its treasonous cheating and defiling of our democracy.

Do you also claim to not love our democracy?
if you don't believe the mountains of evidence that proves the republican party is defiling our democracy can you tell me why?

If you do accept this completely documented FACT then why do you not care they are cheating You?
You certainly NEVER want to talk of killing the cheating party for its treasonous cheating and defiling of our democracy.

Do you also claim to not love our democracy?
desh, try to pull your head out of your binary ass. I talk about killing BOTH cheating parties for their treason because I'm a Libertarian. yes, someone can be a Libertarian that believes in fiscal conservatism, LIMITED government, and social liberalism without wanting to model Somalia. thinking that Libertarians are nothing but extreme conservatives shows your ignorance and closed mindedness.
that is NOT an answer to WHY you dont care that the republican party cheats in elections you fucking lair