Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
I got news for you pal. You haven't been paying attention. I had plenty to say about what a god awful politician Bush was and I aint exactly from the left. I may be a social liberal, and only people I know who are social conservatives are bigots, but I've been a fiscally responsible mainstreet conservative for a log freaken time and by any measure W was a fucking disaster and the worst failure as a President since Nixon.that is really a great way to intro your defense of carter
you're pissy about bush because the economy ended on a sour note, when it was all good you had something else to bitch about...the left HATED bush, period...he never did a single thing right for the left...admit it
Oh sure, Carter was a dissapointment as a President but he did what he said he was going to do. He said he would reach across the political divide and he wouldn't get us into any proxy foreign wars and HE KEPT THOSE PROMISES and paid dearly for them politically. W on the other had bitterly increased the partisan divide, implemented unfair and irresponsible tax cuts, spent money like a drunken sailor, turned a surplus into historic deficits and levels of debt, got us involved in an immoral foreign war in Iraq, stood by with his hand in his dick while a city drowned and then preceded to fall asleep at the wheel again while some Wall Street gamblers wrecked our economy.
Carter may have been a dissapointment but he made some unpopular tough decisions that were the right decisions and in no way shape or form was his a failed Presidency like Bush was.