I'll list ten things trump is doing Hillary clearly wouldn't have that are harmful.
You list the worst ten things you can reliably say Hillary would have done if elected - be specific - and say how harmful they would have been. Compare which is worse.
1. Removed the DACA Dreamer protections for people who were brought to the US as children and have long lived here, for protection from deportation to a country they don't know.
2. Fought against the climate, slavishly serving fossil fuel companies. The US is the only country in the world not in the Paris accords. Witch hunts were done in the government to find any scientists who had worked on climate change to get rid of them. The government has taken down any scientific information that shows the problem.
3. Appointed the worst cabinet and officials in history. People like Rick Perry to run the Department of Energy *he campaigned on wanting to abolish* that controls all the nuclear weapons. People like Betsy De Voss to run the Department of Education, when she is the nation's leading enemy of public education, fighting a fundamentalist religious desire to replace public education with for-profit and as much as possible religious education, brother to Blackwater founder Eric Prince.
4. Appointing radical right-wing judges to all the open seats, from names provided by the Federalist Society, including Neil Gorsuch, with an agenda to let the wealthy have unlimited power to control the political system, and to take power away from the people and weaken democracy, paving the way to destroying it.
5. Ordered that transgender members of the military not be allowed to serve.
6. Hugely escalated the deportations that were already high under Obama, to deport many people who have year often for decades, law-abiding other than immigration status, to the point of people avoiding courts, medical treatments, or shelters in natural disasters because of the threat of arrest.
7. Fought for the repeal of the ACA, which would take healthcare from 25 million Americans; remove the requirement to insure people with pre-existing conditions; allow 'junk insurance' and remove many requirements for quality care.
8. Fought for the worst bill in decades, the tax scam bill, which would even further increase inequality already at record levels by shifting trillions of dollars from Medicaid, Medicare, education and more for the public to tax cuts for the rich and big corporations.
9. Bolstered anti-democratic authoritarianism domestically and globally. He can't say enough good about every dictator in the world who isn't his enemy (and he can't even help himself then, saying recently he and the North Korean dictator could be friends), such as the Philippines dictator who has killed thousands of people, some personally, and the dictator of Turkey, whose security forces beat American protesters in Washington, D. C. And, the pardon of racist abuser Joe Arpaio.
This has led to the US hitting new lows in how it is viewed globally. For example, a survey of global expatriates found that the US has drooped in their ranking where they'd like to live from #5 in 2014 to #43 in 2017.
10. Tried to undo the deal with Iran to prevent their obtaining nuclear weapons, slavishly supporting the Saudi and Israeli policies against Shiite Muslim countries like Iran.
This is just from what he's already done in less than a year - such as killing more civilians with relaxed rules on drone use in less than a years than Obama killed in 8 years.
Note I didn't include everything from his history of sexual assault to thousands of lies to the Russian and other organized crime issue and so much more that is less
You list the worst ten things you can reliably say Hillary would have done if elected - be specific - and say how harmful they would have been. Compare which is worse.
1. Removed the DACA Dreamer protections for people who were brought to the US as children and have long lived here, for protection from deportation to a country they don't know.
2. Fought against the climate, slavishly serving fossil fuel companies. The US is the only country in the world not in the Paris accords. Witch hunts were done in the government to find any scientists who had worked on climate change to get rid of them. The government has taken down any scientific information that shows the problem.
3. Appointed the worst cabinet and officials in history. People like Rick Perry to run the Department of Energy *he campaigned on wanting to abolish* that controls all the nuclear weapons. People like Betsy De Voss to run the Department of Education, when she is the nation's leading enemy of public education, fighting a fundamentalist religious desire to replace public education with for-profit and as much as possible religious education, brother to Blackwater founder Eric Prince.
4. Appointing radical right-wing judges to all the open seats, from names provided by the Federalist Society, including Neil Gorsuch, with an agenda to let the wealthy have unlimited power to control the political system, and to take power away from the people and weaken democracy, paving the way to destroying it.
5. Ordered that transgender members of the military not be allowed to serve.
6. Hugely escalated the deportations that were already high under Obama, to deport many people who have year often for decades, law-abiding other than immigration status, to the point of people avoiding courts, medical treatments, or shelters in natural disasters because of the threat of arrest.
7. Fought for the repeal of the ACA, which would take healthcare from 25 million Americans; remove the requirement to insure people with pre-existing conditions; allow 'junk insurance' and remove many requirements for quality care.
8. Fought for the worst bill in decades, the tax scam bill, which would even further increase inequality already at record levels by shifting trillions of dollars from Medicaid, Medicare, education and more for the public to tax cuts for the rich and big corporations.
9. Bolstered anti-democratic authoritarianism domestically and globally. He can't say enough good about every dictator in the world who isn't his enemy (and he can't even help himself then, saying recently he and the North Korean dictator could be friends), such as the Philippines dictator who has killed thousands of people, some personally, and the dictator of Turkey, whose security forces beat American protesters in Washington, D. C. And, the pardon of racist abuser Joe Arpaio.
This has led to the US hitting new lows in how it is viewed globally. For example, a survey of global expatriates found that the US has drooped in their ranking where they'd like to live from #5 in 2014 to #43 in 2017.
10. Tried to undo the deal with Iran to prevent their obtaining nuclear weapons, slavishly supporting the Saudi and Israeli policies against Shiite Muslim countries like Iran.
This is just from what he's already done in less than a year - such as killing more civilians with relaxed rules on drone use in less than a years than Obama killed in 8 years.
Note I didn't include everything from his history of sexual assault to thousands of lies to the Russian and other organized crime issue and so much more that is less