A Challenge to the Left

Where are your gonads in standing up to this liar you call "President"? Hell, at least when Nixon was in office the Repugnant ones had the balls to tell him enough is enough. Not so for the cowards of the right today.

The few issues I have with Trump I have posted here several times. Otherwise, I find him to be a very effective President patient & steadfast beyond belief in the face of being trashed by leftist media and the cabal of clueless Trump hating Democrats. I support him because Democrats hate him. The more they display their hate, the more I admire his steadfastness and ambitious actions to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!
The few issues I have with Trump I have posted here several times. Otherwise, I find him to be a very effective President patient & steadfast beyond belief in the face of being trashed by leftist media and the cabal of clueless Trump hating Democrats. I support him because Democrats hate him. The more they display their hate, the more I admire his steadfastness and ambitious actions to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!!

Steadfast? he is doing his best to stay out of jail. That is a great motivator. He is a lifetime weasel and crook who you think is presidential material. I don't hate Trump. I find his self-serving and disgusting. I await his resignation.
You just posted America was defeated when Trump won in 2016. The legitimate alternative (who had a chance to win) was?
I'd say America did win. Robust economy, low unemployment numbers, a president that finally wants to stop illegal immigration,
wants to level the trade tariff field and is proud to be an American (for a few points).
Being an independent, would you hate Hillary as much if she won and those same points were in her favor? I doubt it.

Leveling the tariff fieid? That makes sense to you? I see why you are a Trumpy. The tariff wars are Trump's creation. It is not what 95 percent of economists would approve of. Trump is doing damage to international relations with his ignorance of international trade and politics. Trump still makes his overpriced crap in China and 3rd world nations. He does not care about American workers at all. He lies, you buy. Trump inherited a robust economy that Obama made out of the Bush disaster. What has Trump done to help the economy? Tariffs are a tax on consumers. They have harmed industries and farmers.
Name something Trump did to make the economy batter? So far it has resisted his ignorance. The tax cut was a gift to the top 1percent.He claimed it was a middle-class cut and I am sure you bought that too.
Trump is easily the most corrupt and self serving President in our history. He's made the U.S. an international laughingstock. He's alienating our allies and sucking up to our enemies. He just adores dictators and wants to be one.

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you need a positive agenda.
I challenge the left to ignore their “party’s prohibition” and threats of being banished from the neo-communist, progressive, socialist cabal by their authoritarian brain-washers at the DNC, CNN & MSNBC & National leftist media in general, and turn on Fox News regularly & watch Tucker Carlson & Sean Hannity & turn on Fox business channel and watch Lou Dobbs & see the real news that leftist media is trying hard to ignore & cover up. Check out what those folks are saying and reporting. If you obey your masters at leftist media and the DNC, you’ll miss the BIGGEST political scandal in the history of America’s political history. If you follow the leftist media’s conspiracy and lies, you’ll be smothered with lies, false accusations and insinuations and miss the truth. Our Deep State 4th branch of government & the most powerful branch, federal law enforcement & intelligence departments, have committed the greatest of treasons against the President of the United States, (no matter what you think of him), & their cabal is being brought to justice for all of our nation to see. The swamp Rats are pointing fingers at each-other and William Barr’s hammer is coming down on them.

They aren't going to watch anything that isn't in their echo chamber. Denial and ignorance are a party strategy for the Democrats. :laugh:
Fox viewers are the least informed on the planet.

I'll put my knowledge and intelligence up against yours any time snowflake. But alas, the only skill you constantly display here is how to be a moron parroting the asinine talking points the media feeds you.
I am not a Democrat. I am a registered independent,

:lolup: PRICELESS!

Well sweetheart, Fox, Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and others have been reporting the "EVIDENCE" of Obama's Justice Department's attempted coup-de-qua for more than 3 years now, and the fallout is just beginning. We surely shall see HOW MUCH Fox was lying, huh?

FOX News has been right. The NY Times, LA Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC have gotten it all wrong for the last 2 1/2 years. They got it wrong calling the election for Hillary before a single ballot was counted.
Studies have shown that people who watch Fox exclusively know less about politics than people who watch no news. Robo is eating up propaganda and disinformation and touting it as fact. Some people are more susceptible to propaganda than others. Fox viewers are the most susceptible.

LINK to the source of this lie.
The Republican Party stands for every man for himself, theocracy, and freedom from social responsibility.


The Democratic Party stands for a more comprehensive public sector, a more regulated private sector, purely secular government, and a reliable social safety net.

LIE and LAME; the Party of the Jackass stands for Fascism and BIG Government. Their goal is to turn the US into a Fascistic third world shit hole turning as many citizens as they can into dependent wards of the State. The ONLY thing Liberals care about is the massive power to tell everyone what they should do and like.
The "founders" have been dead for an awfully long time. Nobody interested in actually getting anything useful done worries too much about the founders.

Tolerating incoherent and uninformed thought while supporting totally incompatible ideas simultaneously is the position of most American "independents."

I recently heard one not terribly bright independent say, "I vote for the man (hopefully she meant man or woman), not the party."

Well, first of all, the man or woman's personality is less than irrelevant. Only the POLICY POSITIONS matter.
Second, this person had no substantial clue about either Democratic or Republican policy positions.

Sadly, it's an indictment of having universal suffrage in a nation that doesn't support widespread education..

Sadly, you are an indictment of our liberal educational institutions and living proof we are graduating indoctrinated idiots.
Congrats again, you've just perfectly followed the Democrats school of debate instructions by ignoring every challenge presented to you, to post evidence of what you say, and instead post just more unfounded accusations and horseshit!

All you've got is unfounded accusations and horseshit. But you are deep in the pockets of the liars on the right.

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