A Christmas President From A Federal Judge

During the 2016 campaign agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] reported that Hillary was wearing a colostomy bag so she did not spray the real thing all over the people who attended her rallies:

Example of jackets worn by Hillary Clinton to hide colostomy bag

August 30, 2016
Hillary Clinton Colostomy Bag Cover-up Consumes US Media Giants, Puts Debates In Doubt
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers


I have not heard much about Huma Abedin lately. I assume she has been on the straight and narrow since the FBI gave her a pass.

The Washington Free Bacon reports that Huma found herself a new gig. Obviously, Hillary’s gal-pal cannot hide a colostomy bag in $1,000 pants:

ALERT: Hillary Clinton ‘Aide’ Huma Abedin Models $1,000 Pant Suit
Andrew Stiles
September 22, 2021 4:15 pm

Jesus H. Christ, you people are fucked up in your heads.