A co-equal Presidency.

So you guys got nothing but insults? No discussion?
your incredible wellspring of willfull ignorance is amazing. How can you blindly ignore the extra DEA raids on MJ dispensaries? the massive increase of police powers in NDAA, Patriot Act, NSA eavesdropping, metadata collection?? among many other things?
As for your Syria nonsense... the only reason he went to Congress is because he wanted political cover.

In no way does Obama agree with you; his own words...

That's my judgment as commander-in-chief. But I’m also the president of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy. So even though I possess the authority to order military strikes, I believed it was right, in the absence of a direct or imminent threat to our security, to take this debate to Congress. I believe our democracy is stronger when the president acts with the support of Congress. And I believe that America acts more effectively abroad when we stand together. This is especially true after a decade that put more and more war-making power in the hands of the president, and more and more burdens on the shoulders of our troops, while sidelining the people’s representatives from the critical decisions about when we use force.
So you guys got nothing but insults? No discussion?

When I read your OP it became obious what kind of bullshit answers you would get. Why do you keep trying on this forum?

You raised a good issue on Syria and him going to congress though. I think he obviously was legitimizing his red line intentions in the sense that he knew that the Repubs in congress would oppose him. That left the ball in their court and he could no longer be blamed for dragging his feet on the red line. He duped them in that he never did want to go to war.

This could also be seen as shrinking the power of the presidency, which it obviously was if taken in context to Bush's abuse of his presidential power. But I don't think that was Obama's intention.

And again, no matter what the Republicans say, this is going to play huge for Obama in the end. The world won't be mistaken and eventually the American people will come to realize the facts too. Obama saved your country from another ME war.
Things Obama admin has done...

1) Expanded drone bombing... in multiple countries
2) Expanded wire tapping/NSA survellience
3) Trying to circumvent Congress with EPA
4) Tried to force through recess appointments even though Senate wasn't in recess
5) How many times has Obama said he is going to circumvent Congress because he 'can't wait'?
When I read your OP it became obious what kind of bullshit answers you would get. Why do you keep trying on this forum?

You raised a good issue on Syria and him going to congress though. I think he obviously was legitimizing his red line intentions in the sense that he knew that the Repubs in congress would oppose him. That left the ball in their court and he could no longer be blamed for dragging his feet on the red line. He duped them in that he never did want to go to war.

This could also be seen as shrinking the power of the presidency, which it obviously was if taken in context to Bush's abuse of his presidential power. But I don't think that was Obama's intention.

And again, no matter what the Republicans say, this is going to play huge for Obama in the end. The world won't be mistaken and eventually the American people will come to realize the facts too. Obama saved your country from another ME war.

If if and buts were candy and nuts, hopes and dreams weren't democrat leans.
When I read your OP it became obious what kind of bullshit answers you would get. Why do you keep trying on this forum?

You raised a good issue on Syria and him going to congress though. I think he obviously was legitimizing his red line intentions in the sense that he knew that the Repubs in congress would oppose him. That left the ball in their court and he could no longer be blamed for dragging his feet on the red line. He duped them in that he never did want to go to war.

This could also be seen as shrinking the power of the presidency, which it obviously was if taken in context to Bush's abuse of his presidential power. But I don't think that was Obama's intention.

And again, no matter what the Republicans say, this is going to play huge for Obama in the end. The world won't be mistaken and eventually the American people will come to realize the facts too. Obama saved your country from another ME war.

Bull shit!

he said he would strick without their approval you dimwit
document all these claims with facts

There's a federal marijuana law he's supposed to enforce. He doesn't in violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.

He doesn't uphold immigration laws.

He's taken it upon himself to rewrite the employer mandate section of the Obamacare law, which he is not allowed to do. That is something that needs to be done legislatively.
then how is it you didn't mind when the Bush SEC held back the broker rules in GLBact for nearly a decade helping cause the economic crash?
There's a federal marijuana law he's supposed to enforce. He doesn't in violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution.

He doesn't uphold immigration laws.

He's taken it upon himself to rewrite the employer mandate section of the Obamacare law, which he is not allowed to do. That is something that needs to be done legislatively.

We're all kidding ourselves if we think that facts will change the opinions of brain dead leftist dullards.
then how is it you didn't mind when the Bush SEC held back the broker rules in GLBact for nearly a decade helping cause the economic crash?

The thread topic is how Obama has shrunk the Presidency you dullard brain dead hyper partisan asshat. If you want to engage in another of your moronic Bush rants, start your own thread in the conspiracy forum where most of your asinine claims belong.

then how is it you didn't mind when the Bush SEC held back the broker rules in GLBact for nearly a decade helping cause the economic crash?

LMAO... how many times do you need to get embarrassed on this topic before you stop spouting off such nonsense?