A cruel Christmas gift: Jobless benefits cut

of by and for

what did the founders mean when they said that?

Abraham Lincoln wasn’t a founder moron!!! He was just another fucking Republican President opposed to "STATE'S RIGHTS" just like the fucking Democrats are today.
You see when you pretend that this GOVERNMENT is not the people will then you can tear us asunder huh?

is that your fucking plan?

to tear us asunder?

defaulting on the debt?

filibustering anything and everything so the government cant function?

NOT passing SHIT and REFUSING to allow votes on things that would easily pass with a majority vote?

Your the party that hates this government of the people.

Its why you think cheating voters is just fine.

YOU don't believe in Democracy
Actually I find the idea that government should pay for tax cuts a perfectly sane and logical argument. Paying for a tax cut would be the government actually eliminating a part or all of some unconstitutional socialist program or dialing back it’s spending on a bloated Military Industrial Complex or both thereby eliminating or somewhat curtailing the government’s endless lust for the extorted loot required to pay for that shit and thereby moving government toward a balancing of it’s ungodly budget rather than the continuation of ungodly deficits and debt.

Not at all “economically clueless” when considering the less government taxes and SPENDS is the greater amount of money left in the public’s pockets thereby generating economy twice better than simply providing tax cuts and thereby even greater tax revenue.

I know it scares the neo-cons and RINO’s half to death to even think about cutting back the Military Industrial Complex, the world police force and nation building operations and especially the fucking insane Drug War, but just think how much smaller we could make government if those bastards would just trade some of that loot to the fucking neo-commie Democrats for some reductions in their communist socialist programs.

Oh! That’s right, I keep forgetting that the neo-con RINO’s and the neo-commie leftist bastards have no use for limited government and every use for BIG fucking government, huh???

Do you know how much of the Federal Budget constitutes defense spending? I equate your anti-RINO rhetoric as the equivalent to the dimwitted tea tard canard of the left.

Our budget problems having NOTHING to do with defense spending, which is one of the primary Constitutional duties of the fed, but rather, entitlements and welfare spending.

You don't "pay" for tax cuts. That's a moronic statement.
You see when you pretend that this GOVERNMENT is not the people will then you can tear us asunder huh?

is that your fucking plan?

to tear us asunder?

defaulting on the debt?

filibustering anything and everything so the government cant function?

NOT passing SHIT and REFUSING to allow votes on things that would easily pass with a majority vote?

Your the party that hates this government of the people.

Its why you think cheating voters is just fine.

YOU don't believe in Democracy

I'm amused by leftist retards who have no comprehension of the Constitution who, when GW Bush was in charge insisted that tearing down his administration was a good idea, but now declare that any effort to deny Obama his agenda is catastrophic and trying to destroy the Republic.

It is proof of how incredibly stupid hypocritical libral dimwits like you really are. There's no gentle way of describing such complete ignorance and utter buffoonery?

You really are a MORON with way too much time on your hands and too little intelligence. You define the gullible, stupid, low information Voters who elected and re-elected the most incompetent, inexperienced buffoon in the history of the Presidency on nothing more substantive than hope and change.
dear fucking idiot,

Bush crashed the entire world economy and waged WARS he refused to pay for .

ask the world

then what did you idiots do to improve the republican name?

TRIED repeatedly to default this country on its DEBTS you created
No matter how much you spin it

no matter how much you lie about it.

Bush will go down in history as one of the worst presidents EVER
dear fucking idiot,

Bush crashed the entire world economy and waged WARS he refused to pay for .

ask the world


Dear dunce; please name ONE Bush policy/law that caused the mortgage collapse.

I'm certain that an earthworm has more intelligence than you. But thank you again for making my argument of what an incredibly stupid, uniformed leftist hypocrite you are.
No matter how much you spin it

no matter how much you lie about it.

Bush will go down in history as one of the worst presidents EVER

No he will not Dunce; clueless twits like you do not write the history; that title will be reserved for your messiah Obama. He's making the Carter years look good.

But you're an ignorant dunce that emotes a special brand of stupid on this forum; why would you care about trivial things like, truth, reality or the facts.



You're such a simple minded fool aren't you kenneth? You just cut and paste simple minded cartoons.

You are the poster child for the low information voters that elected the most inept, inexperienced, hyper partisan petulant buffoon in the history of the Presidency.

You're what the founders feared the most that would be the end of the Republic; when uneducated fools realized that they could vote themselves other people's money.
No he will not Dunce; clueless twits like you do not write the history; that title will be reserved for your messiah Obama. He's making the Carter years look good.

But you're an ignorant dunce that emotes a special brand of stupid on this forum; why would you care about trivial things like, truth, reality or the facts.


so tell me since when is presiding over a huge economic crash put you in the top historical ranks?
so tell me since when is presiding over a huge economic crash put you in the top historical ranks?

Dear dunce, I can tell you, but because there is NOTHING between those big ears of yours, it will not have any impact on your tiny little brain.

Bush "presided" during a huge economic crash; but none of his policies caused it.

But you're a dunce who thinks that because Bush was President, he is responsible for whatever happens under his watch, but when Obama is President, it is still Bush’s fault. That’s how incredibly stupid you are.

Was that clear enough for you dunce?

But you are free to post any shred of evidence that points to policies that Bush implemented that caused the mortgage collapse....I'll still be waiting.
tell you what .

when your president and most of that time your house and senate are your bitches and you cant do anything to stop a HUGE economic crash on your watch.....its your fucking fault
He didn't do anything to stop it did he?

Oh and BTW he held back the rules on the banks so they could get EXACTLY want they wanted