A demographer explains why a changing U.S. electorate will sweep away Trumpism

The ignorance of the far right, alt right, and Trumpers appall the solid mind.

Trump's numbers from the beginning has been from the low thirties to just about forty percent.

To say they are "climbing" is trying to ignore the fact that the American people just don't want him.
Hello Threedee,

Trump is a Boomer. He'll pass-on someday, and then he won't need a core to follow him. The Boomers will be replaced in the same manner that they replaced older generations: Young Americans in their twenties will hit their forties, and start to grow-up, mature, and become more conservative.

What will happen is they will become more mature and wiser. They will realize what a child the Republicans put into office.

The way Trump has torn the Republican party apart could be the beginning of a new political party.
The white people who are going to disappear first are leftists that don't want or plan to have families. Everyone else will simply wade into the melting pot as America naturally transforms over a decades-long period.

Now you're just plain being desperate. White boomers were the core of trumps support. Enough Boomers have died off that Millennials now are the largest group.
Hello Threedee,

America becoming less white does nothing to help the left. In fact, it hurts the left, because it makes it more difficult to just call everything they disagree with, racism.

The left doesn't do that. You have embraced an exaggeration.
As boomers die off and more millennials become engaged politically, the Trump wing and alt right wing will lose power.

Applying for asylum is not a felony. Crossing the border is a misdemeanor. Tell the truth, righties.
Now you're just plain being desperate. White boomers were the core of trumps support. Enough Boomers have died off that Millennials now are the largest group.

This makes the assumption that voting patterns will remain the same and that has not occurred at any time in American history. The coalitions comprising each party changed based on a new generation of voters and new issues. Blacks went from heavily Republican to heavily Democratic, the NE went from Republican to Democratic, the South went from Democratic to Republican, the white working class went from Democratic to Republican, young voters went from Democratic to Republican and back to Democratic.

The most loyal Republican voters today are people over 65 and that group will increase from 15% to 23% of the population by 2060 and will increase by 54 million; but, there is no reason to necessarily believe that group will continue to vote Republican.
This makes the assumption that voting patterns will remain the same and that has not occurred at any time in American history. The coalitions comprising each party changed based on a new generation of voters and new issues. Blacks went from heavily Republican to heavily Democratic, the NE went from Republican to Democratic, the South went from Democratic to Republican, the white working class went from Democratic to Republican, young voters went from Democratic to Republican and back to Democratic.

The most loyal Republican voters today are people over 65 and that group will increase from 15% to 23% of the population by 2060 and will increase by 54 million; but, there is no reason to necessarily believe that group will continue to vote Republican.

Enough boomers have died so that millenials now out number them. You trying to say boomers will increase is obviously not going to happen. Younger generations will become conservative fiscally as they age but they are very liberal on cultural issues like gays and racism. A great many voters voted for trump against their own interest to try and regain a never to return world of the 50's. Variables like a third party, republicans disgusted by trump and the democrats inability to field a competent presidential candidate will all come into play. At the grass roots level the democrats have been whooping republican ass.
Enough boomers have died so that millenials now out number them. You trying to say boomers will increase is obviously not going to happen. Younger generations will become conservative fiscally as they age but they are very liberal on cultural issues like gays and racism. A great many voters voted for trump against their own interest to try and regain a never to return world of the 50's. Variables like a third party, republicans disgusted by trump and the democrats inability to field a competent presidential candidate will all come into play. At the grass roots level the democrats have been whooping republican ass.

Nowhere did I say boomers will increase--I said the over 65 population will increase by about 54 million by 2060. We cannot say how any group will be voting in 40 years.
Are we all going to pretend that white Boomers weren't the 60s radicals, once upon a time?

About half of the Boomers supported the Vietnamese war and about half or opposed to it. 1967 about 27 percent supported gay marriage and 68% opposed gay marriage. Those numbers have largely flipped today. While people get more conservative financially as they get older culturally it's not the case
Hello Threedee,

Do you live under a rock?

Please make note of my Signature, thank you. I have been good to you. I'd like to continue, if that's OK, but it needs to be two-way.

I have already shown that your statement is an exaggeration.

The left does not call everything they disagree with 'racism.'

Your contention is false.

I am on the left. I just disagreed with you, without calling racism.

You exaggerated to exemplify your point.

If you don't want to admit it, and you want to try to cover it up by going personal, that's your issue, not mine.

This can go two ways from here. Do you wish to continue having conversations with the two of us? I do, but it has to be with mutual respect.

You can drop your guard with me and just talk. It's OK. There doesn't need to be posturing. I won't sucker-punch. I simply ask the same in return. Agreed?
About half of the Boomers supported the Vietnamese war and about half or opposed to it. 1967 about 27 percent supported gay marriage and 68% opposed gay marriage. Those numbers have largely flipped today. While people get more conservative financially as they get older culturally it's not the case

Sounds like there's hope that we avoid socialism, then.