A Few Good Men

Why? So you can once again erupt in your typical moronic ranting fashion? You're a whack job of the same calibur as Evince; someone to be pointed at and laughed at.

Whack job extraordinaire:

Wow!!!! Lookie here the Truth Detector figured out how to cut & paste and allow others to make his pathetic arguments for him.

So Jerkoff how about you tell the class in your own pathetic words Why Jesse should not be interested in conspiracy theories? Tell the class why military aircraft spew chem-trails all over the skies? What is that shit anyhow TD? Surely you know? It’s OK if you want to check with BIG fucking government before you answer.

Tell the class why Jesse shouldn’t be questioning the Kennedy assassination and 911 and why the government keeps secret and classified documents related to those events and others.

Explain away all of the conspiracy theories genus. Tell the class why nobody especially Jesse should question BIG government. Tell the class how honest and straight forward and transparent our BIG fucking government is asshole.
Whack job extraordinaire:

OK genius, so you agree with Rudy the Anti-Second Amendment NY RINO who pukes out total crap that the radical Islamist hate America because of our “religion” when religion-ism is becoming a minority in the nation and the greatest gains in religion in America are the Muslim religion. Yeah, that makes sense, “not!”

They hate America because of our freedom when we’re losing our freedoms hand over fist every day and mostly because your RINO heroes shoved the Patriot Act down our throats after 911 and your favorite President Obama put G. W.’s anti-4th amendment warrantless snooping on steroids. So much for our wonderful freedoms, huh Jerkoff?

Oh yeah and they hate our asses because we treat women good. Like they give a fuck about infidel women when they have ten wives of their own to beat and plenty of American pornography to watch. Oh! That’s right they love that part about our infidel women, huh asshole?

Of course nobody should believe Ron Paul’s perfectly honest and rational and correct opinion that Muslims hate America because we bombed hell out of Iraq, we installed a violent and brutal Shah in Iran, we aided Saddam to gain power in Iraq, we support every fucking dictator in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and every other Arab nation so we can use up Arab oil instead of our own and we stationed our troops in the Muslim Holy Lands in Saudi Arabia, huh Douche-bag?

Of course the RINO second amendment opponent NY pip-squeak and his phony bullshit gets your vote, because you’re a total waste and exceptionally brain-dead moron.
More from the loonytune:

Classic Ron Paul: "Osama bin Laden was our good friend because he was a freedom fighter"

So now you adopt the leftist talking points and despicable, dishonest and deceptive tactics to crucify Ron Paul, huh Loser?

What Ron Paul actually was saying was "WE," (our government) thought Osama was our good friend, so we, (our government), armed the bastard to fight the Russians then we, (our government) found out the son-of-a-bitch wasn’t our friend.

Go watch it again Fuck-Face and weep that your underhanded leftist-like tactics didn’t get by the real Truth Teller, here.
Whack job Ron Paul justifies Putin's invasion and annexation of Crimea:

Of course Moron you'd think that was a great debate when the interviewer simply allows the interviewed to make his points then the interviewer gets to debunk the interviewed WITHOUT any rebuttal by the interviewed. Of course that would be your opinion of a "Fair And Balanced" debate conducted by the RINO Town Hall partisan bastards.
LMAO; attention Wal-Mart shoppers: thread fail and meltdown on aisle 4.


So Jerkoff how about you tell the class in your own pathetic words Why Jesse should not be interested in conspiracy theories? Tell the class why military aircraft spew chem-trails all over the skies? What is that shit anyhow TD? Surely you know? It’s OK if you want to check with BIG fucking government before you answer.

Tell the class why Jesse shouldn’t be questioning the Kennedy assassination and 911 and why the government keeps secret and classified documents related to those events and others.

Explain away all of the conspiracy theories genus. Tell the class why nobody especially Jesse should question BIG government. Tell the class how honest and straight forward and transparent our BIG fucking government is asshole.

Oh! That's right you're the "Truth Detector" that hasn't a fucking clue, huh asshole???????
LMAO; attention Wal-Mart shoppers: thread fail and meltdown on aisle 4.


So Jerkoff how about you tell the class in your own pathetic words Why Jesse should not be interested in conspiracy theories? Tell the class why military aircraft spew chem-trails all over the skies? What is that shit anyhow TD? Surely you know? It’s OK if you want to check with BIG fucking government before you answer.

Tell the class why Jesse shouldn’t be questioning the Kennedy assassination and 911 and why the government keeps secret and classified documents related to those events and others.

Explain away all of the conspiracy theories genus. Tell the class why nobody especially Jesse should question BIG government. Tell the class how honest and straight forward and transparent our BIG fucking government is asshole.

We'll wait Jerkoff! It's OK if you check with McCain, Graham, Rove and King first.
Only a retard can continually ask the same stupid question over and over again when the answer was given several times; because they are both whack jobs as evidenced by the videos of their own words that only a clueless retard like you could be fooled into supporting.

I can't be any more clear than that shit-for-brains.

If you think airplane contrails are "chemtrails" being used to poison our brains; you're a whack job.

If you think 9-11 was an "inside" job; you're a whack job and glaring idiot.

If you think Saddam or Osama were our buddies; you're a retard.

I hope that was painfully clear enough for you dimwit. But alas, you're a lunatic retard on the level of Evince and won't get it and continue asking the same moronic stupid question over and over again like a retard expecting you'll get a different answer.

Yes, you really are THAT vulgar and THAT retarded.
Only a retard can continually ask the same stupid question over and over again when the answer was given several times; because they are both whack jobs as evidenced by the videos of their own words that only a clueless retard like you could be fooled into supporting.

But you never answered a fucking thing Jerkoff. You posted videos. There are trained fucking apes that can do that.

I can't be any more clear than that shit-for-brains.

If you think airplane contrails are "chemtrails" being used to poison our brains; you're a whack job.

But I never said that and neither did Jesse. We simply question what chem-trails are and whether they are detrimental to human health. Jesse claims the government won’t respond to that question and they claim chem-trails are classified materials. So Goober how about you ease our ignorance and tell us all about chem-trails and what they are since you trust your BIG fucking secretive government, OK Douche-Bag?
If you think 9-11 was an "inside" job; you're a whack job and glaring idiot.

Who said 91 WAS an inside job Asshole? Nobody I know of. The fact is there are plenty of unanswered questions about 911, especially about how much American intelligence and the Bush White House knew related to 911 before the attack actually happened. So what’s “whack job” about asking those questions as Jesse has Duoche-Bag?

If you think Saddam or Osama were our buddies; you're a retard.

WHO said that retard? Ron Paul never said that. You attempted to imitate your leftist bedfellows by posting OUT OF CONTEXT deceptive and dishonest words presented by Ron Paul just like the fucking leftist and RINOs do. Go watch your fucking video again you lying beady-eyed bastard!

I hope that was painfully clear enough for you dimwit. But alas, you're a lunatic retard on the level of Evince and won't get it and continue asking the same moronic stupid question over and over again like a retard expecting you'll get a different answer.

Yes, you really are THAT vulgar and THAT retarded.

What is perfectly clear to me asshole and has always been is that you’re a beady-eyed little twerp, Your major talent is feeble insults, your debating abilities are non-existent and you are an asshole, douche-bag and now even a pathetic liar.
So Jerkoff when can we expect you to educate us all on the composites and necessities of chem-trails? Surely you're the only fucking genius on planet earth aside from BIG fucking government that knows the truth because you've "detected" it, right Douche-Bag?
Oh! That's right! that's all classified shit and BIG fucking government and YOU can't tell we minions, huh Goober?
But you never answered a fucking thing Jerkoff. You posted videos. There are trained fucking apes that can do that.

But I never said that and neither did Jesse. We simply question what chem-trails are and whether they are detrimental to human health. Jesse claims the government won’t respond to that question and they claim chem-trails are classified materials. So Goober how about you ease our ignorance and tell us all about chem-trails and what they are since you trust your BIG fucking secretive government, OK Douche-Bag?

Who said 91 WAS an inside job Asshole? Nobody I know of. The fact is there are plenty of unanswered questions about 911, especially about how much American intelligence and the Bush White House knew related to 911 before the attack actually happened. So what’s “whack job” about asking those questions as Jesse has Duoche-Bag?

WHO said that retard? Ron Paul never said that. You attempted to imitate your leftist bedfellows by posting OUT OF CONTEXT deceptive and dishonest words presented by Ron Paul just like the fucking leftist and RINOs do. Go watch your fucking video again you lying beady-eyed bastard!

What is perfectly clear to me asshole and has always been is that you’re a beady-eyed little twerp, Your major talent is feeble insults, your debating abilities are non-existent and you are an asshole, douche-bag and now even a pathetic liar.

Truth Detector can't deliver the truth because he's a fucking idiot without a clue. Whoda thunk it??????? ME, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!