A fit specimen he is?

Lyingfish your repetitive immature theads and posts show how low you can go. I know, you want a president who does not sleep. You want one who golfs and steals while breaking laws again and again. Obviously, you are paid for quantity not quality.
In todays edition of 'Another Campaign Stop leads to more Dementia moments from Trump'....

In the video below he again seems to think he ran against Obama and that Obama is currently POTUS.

Trump also has completely forgotten the economy challenges of 2020 while he was pushing to shut down the American economy to fight covid.

The 10 warning signs of dementia

Sign 1: Memory changes that affect day-to-day abilities
Are you, or the person you know, forgetting things often or struggling to retain new information?
It's normal to occasionally forget appointments, colleagues’ names or a friend’s phone number only to remember them a short while later. However, a person living with dementia may forget things more often or may have difficulty recalling information that has recently been learned.

In other videos we have Trump constantly forgetting what city he is in as well as forgetting people he has ran against, thinking Jeb Bush was GWB.