A Gay Test?

Toby unless you are a virgin or have only had sex with virgins odds are that you can be linked to numerous people gay and straight.
I have been with 4 people in my life. Not many by most standards and I wouldn't say I'm promiscuous. Yet if you connect all the people that I have been with and repeat the process I could probably be linked with hundreds of people.
who cares life sucks anyways.

No it doesn't.

no your right...its tons of fun

you spend 1/3 of your life at work
you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping
that leaves the other 3rd to do laundry cook mow the lawn shovel, and do housework pay the bills vaccum, grocery shopping....

this means that you never have any you time
I have been with 4 people in my life. Not many by most standards and I wouldn't say I'm promiscuous. Yet if you connect all the people that I have been with and repeat the process I could probably be linked with hundreds of people.

holding hands doesn't count IHG.
if you must know, and ive talked extensivly with my doctor...

you can contract aids on your first exposure to it through sex, though it usually requires repeated sexual exposures to contract the disease...

Actually, Rob, there isn't an accumulation effect. Transmission requires a certain volume, true, but the virus itself is extremely short-lived ex-vivo, which is one reason why you can't contract it from toilet seats, door knobs, etc.

Of course there is an exposure risk among health care workers, and some pretty rigid protocols have been put into place regarding the handling of needles and other equipment. If you accidentally stick yourself with a needle, you've just driven whatever is on that needle right into your body. Scary!
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promiscuous would be sleeping with people you don't really know that well, one night stands of people picked up in bars, rest rooms, where ever.
Yep, and unless they have changed aids tests might not show positive for aids for up to a year after the time of infection. I could easially be wrong on this though with outdated info.
promiscuous would be sleeping with people you don't really know that well, one night stands of people picked up in bars, rest rooms, where ever.

Ok but as I have said before you can still get AIDS quite easily even if you don't have sex with people who do this.
no your right...its tons of fun

you spend 1/3 of your life at work
you spend 1/3 of your life sleeping
that leaves the other 3rd to do laundry cook mow the lawn shovel, and do housework pay the bills vaccum, grocery shopping....

this means that you never have any you time

Welcome to the club of the Adult american :)
Very good question Jarod. Sort of depends on which church you go to and such.
Only the missionary position and the rythym method of birth control is allowed for some pentecostal churches. It ain't supposed to be fun :)
Fun seems to be a sin itself in some churches.
pop quiz:

It is called the missionary position for a reason, anyone know why ?
If it feels good, and you have taken all necessary precausions and you are not married... I say do it!