New member
Can you document that, handjob?
It's easy enough to find with a 10 second google search.
Can you document that, handjob?
It's easy enough to find with a 10 second google search.
47% of registered voters are currently republican while 46% are currently registered as democrats, this number only changes a couple of points over the last decades.
Elections aren't about the base, it's about turnout, whichever side can motivate their base more then that is who wins.
Trumps base is far more motivated because of these indictments than the democrats are with an old geezer and Harris on the ticket.
Also, the majority of voters still think the economy sucks regardless of what Biden and Pierre say.
The popular vote is irrelevant. Not sure why you lefties keep bringing that up.
Another point is that the democrats are losing a lot of Latino and Black voters to the republican party, at alarming rates actually.
So the demographics will be changing if this trend continues.
What, instead of 95% of blacks voting for the democrat only 90% do? Similar numbers with the hispanics if you don't count the cubans in south FL.
It just goes to show that more people will vote for Biden than Trump making it that much more difficult to someone to win with electoral votes.
Trump is going to win by probably the biggest landslide in history.
All these indictments are doing is fueling his base to come out and vote while Biden on the other hand is doing nothing to stir up his base.
These indictments are seriously hurting Biden's turnout, everyone knows they are politically motivated.
Plus he is too old and has that albatross Harris hanging around his neck that even liberals can't stand.
Once these charges against Trump start being dismissed you are going to see the nation rallying behind him.
I'm going to save this post and bring it up next mid-November. Thanks, Tovarisch!
The popular vote is irrelevant. Not sure why you lefties keep bringing that up.
Another point is that the democrats are losing a lot of Latino and Black voters to the republican party, at alarming rates actually.
So the demographics will be changing if this trend continues.
Keep ignoring trends, it will only benefit us in the long run.
Yes, a good day for the Republican Party and those Republicans who are running against Trump. LOLA good day for Republicans?
Seems the truth is finally catching up with the assholes
I heard they arrested the prick at the airport.
Yeah, like he is going to win a general election?
Then I heard they asked Mitch McConnel what he thought of the mess and this was his reply.....
View attachment 25526
“The right” is quite a broad term.
Do you mean right of Josef Stalin, alt right, nazis?
I’d describe myself as a right leaning libertarian and I couldn’t care less what happens to those idiots one way or another. Peter Navarro??! WhoTF is that ?
That’s why I don’t touch it.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis defeated former President Donald Trump in a straw poll conducted at the 2023 Young Republican National Convention earlier this month, a sign that the two candidates may have a tough battle to win over the GOP's younger set in their quest for the 2024 presidential nomination.
Trump is going to win by probably the biggest landslide in history.
All these indictments are doing is fueling his base to come out and vote while Biden on the other hand is doing nothing to stir up his base.
These indictments are seriously hurting Biden's turnout, everyone knows they are politically motivated.
Plus he is too old and has that albatross Harris hanging around his neck that even liberals can't stand.
Once these charges against Trump start being dismissed you are going to see the nation rallying behind him.
Another point is that the democrats are losing a lot of Latino and Black voters to the republican party, at alarming rates actually.
So the demographics will be changing if this trend continues.