A good example of why southern conservatives are not trusted.

I suggested something close to that, regarding his earnings, and he ran from it; like his ass was on fire.

Actually I strolled to the bedroom to go to bed.

You're delusional if you think anything you can utter would have me running. Maybe laughing hysterically but not running. :rofl:
And wasn't it your pal Reagan who had a little chat with the air traffic controllers?

as I recall, air traffic controllers work FOR the government.....I would expect the government to set their wages......

and why do you think it's right for taxi driver's fees to be set.....if you get in a cab and the meter starts at $50 get out of the cab and find one that doesn't.....
Prove it. Hell I'm just stating obvious facts.
Actually you repeated some historical revisionist theory that racist Southern Democrats suddenly dropped their multi-generational hatred for Republicans and then became racist Southern Republicans. It defies logic and human nature. :)
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Actually you repeated some historical revisionist theory that racist Southern Democrats suddenly dropped their multi-generational hatred for Republicans and then became racist Southern Republicans. It defies logic and humane nature. :)
Nice try at spinning. Keep telling that often enough and even you will begin to believe it. :pke:
as I recall, air traffic controllers work FOR the government.....I would expect the government to set their wages......

and why do you think it's right for taxi driver's fees to be set.....if you get in a cab and the meter starts at $50 get out of the cab and find one that doesn't.....
LOL You've never gotten into a Manhattan cab have you?
Actually you repeated some historical revisionist theory that racist Southern Democrats suddenly dropped their multi-generational hatred for Republicans and then became racist Southern Republicans. It defies logic and humane nature. :)

isn't that PRECISELY what Trent Lott and Strom Thurmond DID?
you were arguing they were profiting from denying service

Exactly. They are. They make the service expensive so some can't afford it. However, they charge a LOT to the people who can afford it. Like any business.

Why should I make 10 widgets and sell them for $1.00 each if I can make 5 widgets and sell them for $2.00 each?
as I recall, air traffic controllers work FOR the government.....I would expect the government to set their wages......

and why do you think it's right for taxi driver's fees to be set.....if you get in a cab and the meter starts at $50 get out of the cab and find one that doesn't.....

Allen Greenspan would be proud of you. Well, in the past. After God knows how many years of his ineptness he realized he got it all wrong. The fool who "thought he knew how the world worked", to use his words. He didn't even want to prosecute financial fraud. His philosophy was if one can rip off their client all the more power to them.

both former southern democrats. both became republicans. one was an ardent segregationist who wanted to make interracial marriage illegal in the united states and ran for president in an effort to make that policy the law of the land. the other thought we would be a better country today if he had succeeded.
Exactly. They are. They make the service expensive so some can't afford it. However, they charge a LOT to the people who can afford it. Like any business.

Why should I make 10 widgets and sell them for $1.00 each if I can make 5 widgets and sell them for $2.00 each?

because you can sell three times as many widgets at $1?......
Allen Greenspan would be proud of you. Well, in the past. After God knows how many years of his ineptness he realized he got it all wrong. The fool who "thought he knew how the world worked", to use his words. He didn't even want to prosecute financial fraud. His philosophy was if one can rip off their client all the more power to them.

???...was this intended to be a response?....
both former southern democrats. both became republicans. one was an ardent segregationist who wanted to make interracial marriage illegal in the united states and ran for president in an effort to make that policy the law of the land. the other thought we would be a better country today if he had succeeded.
Like any good lie, some element of truth.