Mott the Hoople
Sweet Jane
look, I know its' a lot to expect that you would actually have an understanding of what our argument with apple has been about, but let's just leave it at this.....if you knew what we were talking about you wouldn't have posted what you just posted.....if you didn't know what we were talking about you shouldn't have posted what you just posted.....fair enough?....

One of the major false assumptions you are making is that our publicly funded hospitals and clinics (and the vast majority are publicly funded) are to be operated as low over head cost facilities for physicians. These facilities have every right in the world to control the costs of labor and wages and to set those at reasonable levels and if the physicians and staff do not like that then they are quite free to go into private practice or to work some where else.
The same is true with big Pharma. Most of the basic and applied research they need to develop products is publicly funded. If they want access to that data to develop and market their products then we, the public, have the right to place limits on what they can charge for their products or we have the right to with hold that data from them if the do not wish to agree to those conditions. They are more than free to pay for that cost themselves.
That's free association.