Loyal to the end
To them poor people are stray animals that shouldn't be fed.
His correlation of the low test scores of schools where the most students receive free or reduced price lunches is particularly aggregeous, not to mention just plain factually wrong and heartless. I wonder if he stopped to consider that the poor have less access to educational resources and that could just possibly be the reason for those low test scores and when you also consider that in South Carolina the vast majority of poor are African Americans then his comments border on the pathetically racist.
This magnifies the caution political analyst gave to Republicans after the Brown election. The American public will not stand for this kind of hateful, misanthropic reactionary behavior from conservative politicians.
The fact is Mott, that when you subsidize something you get more of it, and that includes the poor. So it's really bleeding heart liberals like you who are to blame for the majority of poor folk. Then you want to use my money to "fix" the problem, not your own.