A Gorilla in Outer Space

You're an absolute idiot.

It's good that you think so. You're entire life has been spent overestimating yourself and underestimating others. I don't want you to change for little ol' me. :thup:

It's good that you think so. You're entire life has been spent overestimating yourself and underestimating others. I don't want you to change for little ol' me. :thup:

I know so in regards to you guessing who people are and if they are socks or not.

You get it wrong over 90% of the time. Your track record on that speaks for itself.

I was never prosecuted. Nothing ever came of it, just out the bail money.

Good deal. I've done a couple things in my youth that I should have been arrested for too. It's nothing to be proud of but sometimes reveals the unfairness of life in one person getting arrested for a minor issue while another one has no problem at all. Most people see this every time they drive when some asshole comes roaring by doing 30+ over the speed limit.

Like husbands cheating on wives; all such transgressions might see the person get away with it a time or two but over the long run, all get caught and then wonder "Why me?" LOL

FWIW, I got spanked more often than any of my siblings; both at school and at home. Any at school were always followed by one at home. The main problem was that I was too smart for my own good. Be it leaping off a ranch home in a homemade parachute or standing up in class and telling a teacher precisely what I thought of the lesson or her judgment of my work.

In such instances people often have two choices: stop doing that shit or be smart enough to get away with all or part of it. Breaking the law is clearly going to end badly at some point. Knowing what the rules are and being smart enough to use those rules to your benefit is clearly the best way to go.
Who? Me. Mark Kelly won't be getting my vote, and yes, I live in Arizona. The Republicans may be complete retards but they want to close the border and get out of my life. That means Mark "I vote for whatever my party wants" Kelly won't be getting my fucking vote.

:rolleyes: This wasn't directed to anyone specific and could have applied to any state. I like a politician with a sense of humor, that's all.